(Formerly listed as:
Detached house, probably 1840s. MATERIALS: The rubble core is covered by C20 roughcast, the roof covering is of slate - replaced in the early C21 - and there are brick end stacks. PLAN: A rectangular plan, with a C19 extension to NW (heightened in the late C20), and late-C20 extensions to NE and W. EXTERIOR: The building is of two storeys; the principal elevation, to S, is three bays wide, with a central door above which is a glazed transom light; the 6-panelled door and two granite steps with rounded nosings are believed to be original, but a Doric portico is a late-C20 addition. In this elevation, five window openings containing original sashes of six-over-six panes, with narrow marginal lights. There is some original glass. To NW, a single-storey rubble outshut was given a rendered second storey in the late C20; the windows in the lower storey have been replaced. INTERIOR: The interior retains some original features, including a central dog-leg staircase with a turned starting newel, stick balusters and a ramped handrail. The five rooms to the front of the house retain some original joinery, including some doors, with shutters in the western ground-floor front room, and fitted cupboards in the E front rooms on ground- and first-floors; the fireplaces have been replaced, and the decorative plasterwork is new. The rear parts of the house have been subject to much change, with extensions at ground- and first-floor levels; on the ground floor the former kitchen area - to NW, has been subdivided - as has the former pantry, to NE. The former lean-to scullery to NW has been considerably altered and does not retain any original features. The original king-post roof structure has been subject to some alteration and replacement of timbers. SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: To the N of the house, a courtyard: to E and W stand cob walls on a high rubble plinth with openings in the W and E walls. The N wall, with its wide opening, is thought to have been rebuilt. All the courtyard walls have renewed slate capping. The N part of the courtyard was once occupied by a barn, its extent to N, E and W defined by the perimeter of the courtyard. A stone building entered from the courtyard to W is a late-C20 remodelling of a small lean-to shed, and a stone garage to the NE of the site has replaced a former shed; neither is of special interest. HISTORY
The building now known as Grove House is believed to have been built in the 1840s; it was mapped, with a similar footprint to today's house, as Grove Cottage on the OS map published in 1889. A smallholding, the house at that time was surrounded - as now - by gardens and orchards. The house was owned by the Hosegood family from the time of building until 1892; thereafter it was in the Burrow family until 1989. The property has seen considerable alteration, addition and loss over the course of its history. A barn which originally stood to the north of the house was removed in the late C20. SOURCES
East Worlington tithe map, 1839
OS maps, published 1889 and 1905
Historical information provided by the owner at time of amendment REASONS FOR DESIGNATION Grove House, East Worlington, is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural: as a modest but well-proportioned and well-appointed mid-C19 house in a rural setting
* Details and fittings: for the complete set of original sash windows and handsome door in the principal elevation, together with a simple but elegant staircase and other internal joinery
* Subsidiary features: for the north courtyard which gives some indication of the site's former agricultural connections
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