SX 64 NW
Lower Manor Farmhouse - II Farmhouse. C17, possibly earlier. Rubble, rendered to south front, slate roof,
formerly thatched. A lofty building, set across store with original entry, to
passage facing stair turret, off centre right, beside narrow projecting full-
height gabled unit; heated rooms each end, third stack to rear stair turret,
which also connects to a granary at upper level. Present entry through lower
gable end, over a basement. Two storeys, part basement, attics; rendered front
2 + 1 windows, mainly 3-light glazing bar casements; door off-centre right in
section of wall brought forward slightly, and under glazed lean-to conser-
vatory. Left gable, coped, and with small stack, has various small lights, a
door to basement, and entry up flight of steps to lean-to extension. Back
includes a lean-to with large external stack, and connection to granary by
flight of steps. Large gable stack at higher end gable. Interior: roof has
slightly peaked and chamfered ties, and one truss of cruck-like form. At the
foot of the spiral stair through two floors a wide plank door. Interior has
been much modified, and no original fireplaces are to be seen. A building made
complex by its adaption to a difficult sloping site.
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