SX 65 SE
(off north side)
1/14 Heathfield Down Farmhouse
with attached barn and
Large farmhouse with attached barn and storage building. Early C19. Rubble,
rendered to front elevation, brick stacks, slurried slate roof. A long hipped
block with the farmhouse at left, central storage unit, and living accommodation
at right. House is 2 storeys, attic and basement; front is 3 windows, 16-pane
sashes, top floor right with lower unit replaced by 2-light casement; central
6-panel door, part glazed and under transom light, in remains of glazed gabled
porch. Left gable has large opening with segmental head to basement, and,
centred, a 12-pane sash under 2-light casement, both to segmental heads, and ,
low left, a louvred opening to 2-light casement. Back has 3-light and 2-light
casements with glazing bars and a 2-light low right. At first floor, are two
paired 8-pane sashes. Porch with arched opening and flat roof over back door.
Left gable stack, and ridge stack at right. Interior of house not generally
accessible, but long narrow cellar has heavy beam to opening at back. To right
of main house a 3-storey unit has various windows: at ground floor a pair of
garage doors, a 3-light, two small 2-light and a further pair of doors to wood
lintel. At middle level a 2-light, a loading opening, and two small 2-light
casements. At eaves level a blocked opening, three large 4-light casements and
a small 2-light. Brick stack to eaves at front; this end hipped. Box eaves
front and right return, which is rendered, has various 2 and 3-light casements
and a C20 lean-to porch to a stable door. Back has mainly 2-light casements,
but one 3-light at ground floor and one at second floor. Two small eaves stacks
in brick. The lowest level is built against the ground slope and window cills
are almost at ground level. Interior not generally accessible but part of the
central section has low ground floor with central spine wall, and upper level
open to roof trusses. An unusual combination of farmhouse, storage, and
labourer's cottage, externally much as built.
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