(West Side)
The Knole
(new Freenmason's Hall)
SZ 1091 22/215 II 2.
1872-3, J D Sedding for Edmund Christy (founder of St Clement's). Much altered
since 1950, but still impressive mansion of the earliest Arts and Crafts period,
influenced by William Morris. Tudor Gothic, red brick and stone dressings, tiled
roofs with ornamental ridges, 2 storeys and high basement, L-shaped. Long symmetrical
south front to garden terrace, with central 3-storey gatehouse-type tower: stone
polygonal corner buttresses, 4-centred door with coat-of-arms in sculptured panelling
over, mullioned windows to upper floors. 2-storey canted bay on each side with
mullioned and transomed windows and stone inscription giving date 1873, under
deep stone-coped parapet. West flank asymmetrical: big rectangular bay at north-west,
with 2 transoms and hipped roofs, supports canted dormer, with 2 transoms, plaster
gable and sunflower metal finial. South-west gable altered, with tilehanging
recessed behind parapet, intricate 3-light Tudor-arched window and projecting
chimneybreast at 1st floor level (chimneystack gone). Entrance side L-shaped,
with approach up steps to terrace alongside east wing - reconstructed with flat
roof 1958. North wing of interesting composition has 4-centred doorway in surround
of small Tudor-arched lights (similar lights to strip window under eaves); door
itself with incised patterns and studs. Adjoining wall windowless, with inset
stone sculptured panel of St Hubert's Dream in Gothic frame, battlemented gable
at 1st floor level with large merlons of smooth stone, then recessed tilehung
gable to 2nd floor with projecting canted bell-canopy on brackets, topped by sunflower
finial on leaded base. Recessed northern wing with gabled stone dormer over
lean-to single-storey annexe with brick chimneystack at end - much bare brickwork.
(Flat-roofed modern extension). Forecourt has clipped yew hedge on 2 sides
over low brick coped wall. Interior much altered, agent from linenfold-panelled
doors and Jacobean-style balustered staircase. 2 fine rooms survive : at south-west
corner, dining room with linenfold panellings, plaster foliage frieze and Elizabethan-style
plaster ceiling, chimneypiece with blue daisy tiles in pink marble surround under
white marble 4-centred arch with carved frieze between fluted wood pilasters and
cornice, supporting overmantel of mirrors in 3 Jacobean-style arches under plaster
tester with 3 rows of sunflowers. Reception room at north-west corner, of Great
Hall type, has elaborate Elizabethan-style plaster ceiling with pendants, over
foliage frieze, similar ceiling and frieze in windowless recess opposite square
oriel. French Cl6 style of chimneypiece with Renaissance type round arch (blue
tiles within) and hooded open grate, overmantel with flowers in vase motif in
tiers, under frieze with pilasters.
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