SK 44 SW
5/57 (East Side)
Morley Manor GV II* House, now childreiis home. 1900, with minor late C20 alterations,
by George Bodley, built for Mrs Sacheverell Bateman. Sandstone
ashlar to main facades, rendered stone elsewhere, with sandstone
dressings and continuous ground and first floor dripmoulds. Simulated
Cotswold slate roof with moulded stone copings to gables and parapets,
gables with ball or steeple eave and ridge finials, also tall stone
ridge stacks with moulded cornices, and decorated lead gutters.
Embattled parapets with ridgeback copings to three bay windows
on main front. Two storeys, irregular fenestration. U-plan with
gated courtyard between the ranges to south end. Neo-Tudor style.
Main elevation has gabled two storey porch to north with embattled
bay windows to either side, each with a gable set back above. To
south of the southern bay window is a wide bay with a similarly
wide embattled bay window beyond, also with a gable set back above
it. Recessed to south of this is a gabled bay with a semi-circular
bay window. The porch has a moulded four-centred arched doorcase
with dripmould, flanked by tall pilasters with steeple finials
and with an elaborately carved stone coat of arms above. Inside
the porch is a simple four-centred arched doorcase with studded
wooden door. To either side of the porch are 2-light recessed
and chamfered mullion and transomed windows and beyond, in the
bay windows are similar 6-light windows with two major mullions.
Beyond again to either side are similar 6-light windows, that to
north in a single storey bay. To south, the large bay window has
a similar 9-light window also with two major mullions and the semi-
circular bay has similar 6-light windows. Above, in the semi-
circular bay is a 6-light recessed and chamfered mullion window
with two major mullions, and above to north in wide bay window,
are two adjoining 3-light recessed and chamfered mullion windows
with stone panel between, decorated with stone shield. Beyond
to north, similar windows to those below except lower and without
the transoms. The bay windows also have 2-light side windows similar
to those on front elevation. Above in the porch is a similar 6-light
window with central major mullion and central crest above with drip-
mould stepped over it. The gables above all have ventilation slits
and that over the wide bay window has a four-centred arched doorcase.
Similar windows to other elevations. South elevation has central
square gatepiers topped by ball finials with iron railings and gates,
between the two ranges. Interior has good Tudor style panelling ,
staircase and fireplace in the hall and the adjoining room to south
has the only remaining plasterwork ceiling. Several four-centred
arched fireplaces in other rooms and one in southern room with
carved overmantle possibly incorporating original Tudor pieces. In
southern bedroom is a small 'Bolsover Castle' style fireplace with hood.
Doors mostly with Tudor style panelling.
Listing NGR: SK4004742607
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