Former farmhouse, C17 or early C18 in origin, possibly on an earlier base, with C19 rear wings, all refurbished early C21.
Reasons for Designation
Ford Farmhouse, which is of C17 or C18 origin, with C19 rear wings and restored early C21 is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural interest:complex accumulated fabric and history of a C17 or early C18 three-bay vernacular farmhouse, possibly on earlier footings;
* Survival: despite the replacement of much of the interior joinery in a major refurbishment, the exterior shell and roof survive and the plan form remains legible;
*Historic interest: unusual farm plan, separated from the road by a series of enclosed yards and orchards similar to the adjacent Manor Farm; potential for further evidence which may determine its origins.
Ford Farmhouse is principally of C17 or C18 origin, with C19 rear wings, all refurbished early C21. The house sits on a historic site where it appears that the lower courses of an earlier building form the basis of the existing farmhouse. Historically, it has undergone a succession of alterations, seen in patching and replacement in stone and brick, which is particularly evident in the south-west gable wall and south-west angle. Although the current building is laid out to the usual three-bay historic plan, it is possible that the building formerly extended to the south-west beyond this. The farm is no longer farmed and the former farmhouse was recently restored, when the interior in particular was refurbished and much of the joinery replaced. The detached buildings to the north-east, which were historically associated with the farm, are in separate ownership.
The farm and outbuildings are depicted in detail on the 1879 Ordnance Survey map. Like the buildings at the adjacent Manor Farm, they were set back from Chapel Lane, behind a yard, gardens and orchards. Immediately south-east of the house the former yard or garden is enclosed by a stone rubble wall with a brick and tile coping and has been broken through to provide vehicular access.
Coursed stone rubble on a base of larger worked stone blocks, and red, red/brown and grey brick. Stone and brick dressings. Tile roofs, many tiles replaced during the recent refurbishment.
L-plan, under hipped roofs, the main range in three bays, the entrance in the central bay. Large internal stack between the central and northern bays. Internal south-west gable wall stack. Two storey and attics, the latter accommodated in the roof space which has been recently opened up. To the rear, a short two-storey rear wing projects to the north and has an internal gable wall stack. Attached to it is a single-storey range comprising the former dairy and outbuildings. A pitched-roofed single-storey rear wing extends to the north-west and also has an internal gable wall stack. A C21 garage is attached to the north of it and is excluded from the listing.
Front elevation in three unequal bays. The ground floor is predominately built in stone rubble set on lower courses of large worked blocks of stone, where the outer bays have a chamfered plinth. The southern bay has the stub of a stone buttress at the angle, where the bay has also been rebuilt in the past. The doorcase and windows in the outer bays are set in stone reveals, the window in the inner bay has brick reveals. The entrance has been reduced and infilled in brick under a round arch. The door and fanlight are C21. Ground floor windows have C19 or C20 cambered brick arches and C21 three-light timber casements. The first floor is built in brick above a similar brick storey band. It is constructed using an irregular bond, although the central bay is predominately in Flemish bond. Windows are set under recessed cambered arches. Each is of three lights, similar to the ground floor windows, except for a single-light window in front of the stack, in the position of a former closet. A moulded timber box cornice, which continues across the side and rear elevations of the main range, has been restored during the recent refurbishment. The ridge stack is of C19 brick.
The south-west gable wall is predominately in coursed stone rubble except where the brick upper floor continues on the return wall and is used in the stack. The wall is patched in C19 brick and window openings are also in C19 brick reveals. Windows are C21 timber casements, that on the upper floor in an enlarged opening. The refurbished rear wing continues in coursed stone rubble with brick dressings which include a blocked arched opening on the ground floor and a brick dentil cornice. The upper courses of the stack are rebuilt in C19 and C20/C21 brick. The rear wall has been pushed out in brick between the outer bays and has replacement C21 timber windows and doors. A C21 dormer and flush windows have been inserted in the roof.
The north-east elevation which includes the two storey rear wing is also built with a stone rubble ground floor on a tall chamfered stone plinth and a brick upper floor, in the manner of the front elevation. A central round-headed entrance with a C21 panelled door is flanked by irregular sized cambered arched windows with C21 timber casements on both floors and there is an inserted dormer in the roof. The single-storey range of outbuildings attached to the north has a stone rubble base to the north elevation and is of later C19 and C20 brick upper elsewhere. It has replaced tile roofs and has been converted to domestic use and storage.
The three-bay plan is evident, but the interior has been refurbished and modernised. Visible historic fabric includes slender scantling timber framing on the rear, internal wall of the northern room. The main stack in the northern room has a rebuilt brick fireplace beneath a timber bressumer. The stairs, in the central bay, have been rebuilt in the C20 and now extend to the attic. On the first floor a horizontal cupboard with doors with strap hinges is built into the stack. The side-purlin roof is largely intact and has been strengthened in the refurbishment with added collars.