In the entry for:
Ashley Cottage
Nos. 1, 2 and 3
the address shall be amended to read:
Ashley Cottage
Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4
and the description shall be amended to read:
Built and extended as the Poor House, now four dwellings; together with
outbuildings. 1725, late C18, with C20 alterations. Brick walls of English
bond, rubbed flat arches; part painted brickwork of Flemish Garden Wall
bond, part with C20 roughcast. Tile roof with stepped brick eaves, flat-
roofed dormers. The original south-west front (No. 4) is symmetrical,
with a projecting centrepiece of two storeys, 2:1:2 windows. The features
are of stone; coupled mullioned windows with chamfered reveals, and
C20 metal casements, doorway with a broken pediment, console brackets,
architrave and a C20 oak door. The central lights are small casements
and between these and the doorway is a stone plaque, with arched head,
inscribed "This House Erected by this Parish of Ringwood 1725". To the
north of the oldest part there is an extension of similar size, (Nos.
2 and 3) but the elevation has been much altered, with three upper
lights (the middle and original C18 leaded casement in a wood frame),
three ground floor smaller casements and two C20 doorways; the rear
elevation also has three original upper windows. The north end comprises
a further extension (No. 1) of 1:2 storeys, 2:2 windows, painted brick
walls of Flemish Garden Wall bond, with cambered openings (the upper
blank), and a lower pitched slate roof (hipped to the two storeyed
section). The interior retains most of its original timber framed struct-
ure, with verticals to each bay and two to each cross section, the oak
framing being chamfered; there is also a massive chimney breast to the
north side of the oldest unit. Associated with the main building are
two small single-storeyed utility blocks, set back from the roadway,
with walls of brick and stucco, and slate roofs.
1/45 Ashley Cottage,
Nos. 1, 2 and 3
- II
Built and extended as the Poor House, now three dwellings; together with
outbuildings. 1725, late C18, with C20 alterations. Brick walls of English
bond, rubbed flat arches; part painted brickwork of Flemish Garden Wall
bond, part with C20 roughcast. Tile roof with stepped brick eaves,
flat-roofed dormers. The original south-west front is symmetrical, with a
projecting centrepiece of two storeys, 2:1:2 windows. The features are of
stone; coupled mullioned windows with chamfered reveals, and C20 metal
casements, doorway with a broken pediment, console brackets, architrave and
a C20 oak door. The central lights are small casements and between these
and the doorway is a stone plaque, with arched head, inscribed "This House
Erected by this Parish of Ringwood 1725". To the north of the oldest part
there is an extension of similar size, but the elevation has been much
altered, with three upper lights (the middle an original C18 leaded casement
in a wood frame), three ground floor smaller casements and two C20 doorways;
the rear elevation also has three original upper windows. The north end
comprises a further extension of 1:2 storeys, 2:2 windows, painted brick
walls of Flemish Garden Wall bond, with cambered openings (the upper blank),
and a lower pitched slate roof (hipped to the two storeyed section). The
interior retains most of its original timber framed structure, with
verticals to each bay and two to each cross section, the oak framing being
chamfered; there is also a massive chimney breast to the north side of the
oldest unit. Associated with the main building are two small
single-storeyed utility blocks, set back from the roadway, with walls of
brick and stucco, and slate roofs.
Listing NGR: SU1370405020