(South side) 6/25 (inset) Manor House,
29/4/52 including Cottage,
and walls attached
to rear and front
GV II House, probably originally a long house. Late C16/early C17 with later C17
and C19 alterations. Occupied by Arrowsmiths in 1834, and by Shaws before
them. Painted render with painted ashlar dressings; part boulder, part
sandstone block plinth. Roof pantiles with stone gable copings and brick-
banded rendered chimneys. L-plan. Rubble wall attached to rear wing; stone-
coped wall breaks forward from front. 2 storeys, 7 bays. 4-bay house at
right originally separated by passage from lower down-house of 2 bays; down-
house raised in C17; windows and stair altered in C19. Glazed door in third
bay in chamfered, flat-Tudor-arched surround; long paired sashes on ground
floor in first 2 bays, 2 wider sashes above these and door, and slightly
shorter sashes grouped 2:1:1 in right part, all with late C19 glazing and
projecting stone sills. Plinth to right of door only, with blocks in 2 bays
to right of door and rough boulders beyond, interrupted by grated opening.
Roof has raised gable copings, with curved kneelers at front, fading into
stepped stacks with old brick bands. Long rear wing has full-height extruded porch in angle, containing boarded
door; Gothic glazing bars to overlight of panelled door to the Cottage at rear
of wing, and to 2-centred-arched window in wing beside porch; other sashes-are
varied; tripartite to left of Cottage door, and late C19 below 16-pane sash to
left of Gothic window; first floor of Cottage lit by sash in rear gable peak.
Right return shows first-floor stair extension added c.1800, with Gothic
glazing bars, supported on single corner post; below this an early C18
floating cornice over window in rear wall of main range. First-floor horizontal
sliding sash in wing painted to seem Gothic. Early C18 sundial in left wall
of rear wing. Further small extension on right return of main block. Interior: chamfered Tudor-arched stone-surround doorway from cross-passage
leads to original house, which has wide ground-floor beams and stop-chamfered
joists. Room to left of passage has similar beam and joists, c.1700 raised,
fielded panelling, probably re-used, and cupboard with keyed round head but no
architrave, and shaped shelves; one panel hinged (butterfly hinges) to give
access to blocked stone-mullioned 2-light window, obscured by render on outer
face. Circa 1800 stair in rear extension gives accessto first-floor passages.
Late C17 stair between 2 right end bays has had ground-floor lobby (now with
door blocked and window inserted) with deep bolection mouldings to doors to
rooms leading off; open-well stair removed from ground floor; upper flight,
reached from room to left, has wide handrail with sloping sides,on fat skittle
balusters,and closed string. 2-panel doors on first floor in original house
have richly-moulded central rails, and bolection-moulded surrounds. Blocked
chamfered rectangular stone windows in end and intermediate gables. Roof of
main house has 4 collared, halved-principal trusses. Raised roof of down-
house has 2 upper crucks with collars and saddles, both with purlins resting
on extended collars and saddle. Rear wing has long upper crucks in part
nearest house, with collared trusses and intermediate rafters; rear part of
wing not inspected. Garden wall attached at right front has ramped flat stone coping, and contains
empty gateway with keyed round head; extends c.5 metres along right side of
garden. Wall attached to rear wing has round coping and links corner of wing to wall
of rear courtyard. High courtyard wall has flat stone coping. Source: Mackenzie and Ross, History and Antiquities of the County Palatinate
of Durham, 1834.
Listing NGR: NZ2894132852
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Books and journals Mackenzie, , Ross, , History and Antiquities of the County Palatinate of Durham, (1834)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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