(north side)
7/11 The Cottage _ II House. C15 or earlier, altered in C16, C17 and C20. Timber framed, roughcast
rendered, roof thatched. 2-bay hall facing S, with stack at left end,
originally storeyed parlour/solar bay to right with C19 external stack at end,
and C20 single-storey lean-to extension beyond. At left, late C17 2-bay
extension, with hearth backing on to earlier stack. C20 flat-roofed extension
to rear. One storey with attics. 3 C18 2-light windows each with one wrought
iron casement and diamond leading, one smaller C18 fixed light at half-height,
one C20 casement, and 2 similar 2-light windows in gabled dormers, one C18, one
C17. At the sides and back there are 4 more C18 windows of similar type, mainly
in their original positions. Door at front of gabled porch, C20. Jowled posts,
heavy studding, 3 diamond mortises and shutter groove for unglazed window to
solar in right end wall. Late C16 inserted floor in hall comprising chamfered
transverse and longitudinal beams with lamb's tongue stops, and plain joists of
horizontal section supported on pegged clamps. Crownpost roof, central tiebeam
and crownpost missing, one axial brace in situ at right end, and wide
down-bracing, incomplete display bracing, and original wattle and daub with
diaper patterns on both sides. The hearth facing to right is blocked, mantel
beam only exposed; bread oven within original hearth, iron door in situ but
blocked, modern access. The hearth facing to left has an aperture for an
external bread oven, removed; the mantel beam is carved with 3 shields of arms
and dates 1347, 1510 and 1660, of unknown origin, probably C19/C20. The left
extension has chamfered beams with runout stops and thin joists. 2 features
suggest an origin for the hall house earlier than the C15 - the very wide and
conspicuous bracing at the high end of the hall, and the fact that every roof
collar is pegged to the collar- purlin. Examination of the scarfs in the
wallplates would be necessary to confirm a C14 origin, and these are concealed
by splints on the inside and plaster on the outside.
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