TL 8418-8518 (south-west side) 9/264 Top House
25.6.74 GV II Part of house. C15, altered in C16, C18 and C20. Timber framed, plastered,
roofed with handmade red plain tiles. 3-bay hall facing NE, the left bay being
the original cross-passage with gallery over. C18 stack in cross-passage, in
front of axis. C19 stack at rear of right bay. C20 parallel range to rear,
roofed with interlocking concrete tiles. 2 storeys. Ground floor, one early
C19 sash of 10 + 10 lights with crown glass, and one C20 replica. First floor,
2 early C19 sashes of 12 lights. Central 6-panel door, the top 2 panels glazed,
in early C19 reeded doorcase with moulded flat canopy. Moulded plaster cornice,
plain parapet. C16 inserted floor in hall, chamfered axial beam with step
stops, joists mainly replaced, now of plain vertical section. C17 inserted
ceiling over first floor, with chamfered axial beam with lamb's tongue stops,
joists plastered to the soffits. Roof of hall heavily smoke-blackened,
originally of crownpost construction, retaining rafters and collars but
crownpost and collar-purlin missing. At the left end of the hall is a spere
truss, and a gallery over the cross passage with transverse plain joists of
horizontal section; at the rear end, the original rear doorway with 4-centred
head; in the left side, twin service doorways with chamfered 4-centred heads,
blocked by the inserted stack. At the time of survey, November 1986, this item
had recently been combined with Newman's, to the left (item 9/263, q.v.), and
doorways made through into the crosswing which originally was part of this
house. RCHM 7.
Listing NGR: TL8591418380
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