ST 59 SE
3/108 AUST
Hollyhocks II House, now 2 houses. Mid - late C17 with later additions and alterations.
Rubble, rendered, double Roman tiled roof with ridge coping and brick gable
stacks, break in roof line to right of former through passage. Originally
3-room plan. 2½ storeys to south, 2 storeys to north, 4 windows; ground floor
has single light casement, C20 door with hood, 2 C20 casements, small window of
6 panes replacing former door, 3-light casement, plank door in moulded surround
and 3-light casement, 1st floor has 3 3-light casements and one metal framed
casement, 2 C20 dormers to right, single storey lean-to to left near contemporary
with house has thick walls and splayed window openings. Rear has single storey
C20 wing incorporating outbuilding, 4 casements to left, C20 windows and door to
right, 2 dormers as on front. Interior: casements have square wooden mullions
with small scroll moulding on inner corners, chamfered and stopped beams, some
boxed in, cupboard next to fireplace in south room has panel above with heart
shape and 2 scrolls cut out, fireplace has chamfered wooden lintel with scroll
and notch stops. (Sources: Hall, Linda : unpublished survey, NMR). Listing NGR: ST5974790270
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