ST 68 NW OLVESTON THE GREEN (north side) Tockington 8/192 Pool Cottage, No. 2 Pool Cottage
and Myrtle Cottage - II Farmhouse, now 3 houses. Early C17 with later alterations and additions.
Rubble, rendered, double Roman tiled roof with gable stacks and diagonal
chimneys to Pool Cottage, pantiled roof to 2 Pool Cottage and Myrtle Cottage.
Former through passage plan with front door in 2 Pool Cottage. Pool Cottage of
2½ storeys and one window, 3-light casement in gable end and at ground floor,
both with drip mould, east elevation has 3-light casement in gable end and at
ground floor, both with drip mould, east elevation has 3-light casement in small
gable, with ovolo mullions and leaded lights, 3-light C20 casement at 1st floor,
both with drip mould, C20 porch and lean-to originally open, walled in C20.
Rear has gable with 2-light casement with leaded lights, chamfered mullion and
loop catch. No. 2 Pool Cottage has 2 storeys and 2 windows, 2-light casements
at 1st floor and 3-light at ground floor, canopy and trellis porch to right,
plank and batten door with glass insertion, rear has catslide roof and C20
windows. Myrtle Cottage has 2 storeys and one window, porch, all C20, rear has
C20 flat-roofed extension. Interior: Pool Cottage has bolection moulded and
stopped beam at ground floor, cambered lintel to fireplace with decorative
carving, double cupboard doors with strap hinges, plank and batten door to
newel stair rising to attic, 1st floor has 4-centred arched door with chamfered
and stopped jambs, now blocked (leading to No. 2 Pool Cottage), similar beam to
ground floor, 2nd floor has inner ovolo mullions to 3-light window. No. 2 Pool
Cottage has former rear through passage plank and batten door, stud and rail
screen to rear of ground floor room. Interior of Myrtle Cottage not accessible.
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