873-1/24/277 (North side)
14/06/74 No.21
Milton Arms Restaurant
(Formerly Listed as:
(North side)
No.21) GV II House, now restaurant. Late C16 or early C17, modified C20.
Squared and coursed Portland stone, some rendering to front,
and rear range in light timber-framing with brick nogging,
asbestos-cement slate roof.
PLAN: 2-room plan, heated to left; rear range to left also
with heating, sharing flue, and shallow gabled range to left.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and attic, 3 windows; C19 two-light
casements at first floor above 3-light replacement
stone-mullioned casements at ground floor with central doorway
in 4-centred arch with stopped chamfer surround. The upper
half of this frontage retains rendering, but the stonework is
exposed below. 2 rooflights, and a brick stack to the left.
The return, in New Street, has a gabled end with 2-light
inserted casement, and, to the left, a lower gabled range with
framed upper part over rubble ground floor. To the left is an
early bay window in 1:3:1 lights to a hipped roof. The rear
gable is boarded. A second gable at the far end of the
building is in brickwork over a rendered wall.
INTERIOR: has been considerably modified, but it retains a
wide bressumer fire in the left-hand half, with stone cheeks
and deep wood bressumer; behind this, in the rear range, and
at right angles to it a second fireplace, also with stopped
stone cheeks. Various beams with a small chamfer.
The staircase is rear right, in straight flight to the first
floor which has mainly replacement timbers, but a further
fireplace above that at ground floor, with a deep cambered
The rear range, with modern kitchen, has a square panel
timber-framed partition, and a central beam at first floor. A
tight spiral staircase within the main block gives to the
attic with 3-bay roof, without collars, but with mostly
original principals, including 2 purlins.
A rare survival from the period, with characteristically low
ceiling heights. Referred to as Milton House in RCHME.
(RCHME: Dorset, South-East: London: 1970-: 350).
Listing NGR: SY6802778899
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
Legacy System number:
Legacy System:
Books and journals Inventory of Dorset II South East, (1970), 350
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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