SE 24 SW
LS 19 (West side),
5/7 Nos. 3, 5, and 7,
- with Nos. 1 and 3
Town Street
- II Includes Nos. 1 and 3 Town Street. Water-powered woollen mill, warehouse,
etc., now 5 shops. Later C18, part dated 1782, with C19 addition; altered.
Coursed squared sandstone, 3-span stone slate roof. Slightly irregular
rectangular plan formed by 3 parallel elements of different builds, that in
the centre being a C19 addition. Built on steeply-sloping site, the 3 gabled
fronts to Ivegate at the upper end being 2-storeyed and the rear 4-storeyed.
The principal elements of interest are the two outer blocks; that on the
south side (No. 7), formerly the mill, has quoins to all corners and
flat-faced flush-mullion windows in the side and rear walls: 3-bay, 3-storey
side wall has 2 doorways at ground floor flanked by altered or inserted
windows, a 3-light window at 1st floor (3rd light blocked) with jambs of a
formerly similar window to the right (now greatly enlarged) and an inserted
window to the left, and 2 pairs of coupled 4-pane sashes at 2nd floor;
4-storey, 2-bay rear wall has two 3-light flush mullion windows and two pairs
of coupled windows at the same levels as those in the side (here the 3rd and
4th storeys), doorways and plain windows at the lower levels; gable to road
has altered and inserted openings (possibly loading doors) and at street
level a doorway in a formerly wider and higher opening; both gables have
stone copings with flat apexes, and that to the street has returned ends to
the coping, like a primitive open pediment. The north block has C19 shop
front and 1st floor windows in the gabled fronts, and a gable chimney; its
side wall (Town Street, Nos 1 and 3) of 2 bays (with evidence of a vertical
joint between them) has 2 doorways at street level, that on the right with
datestone above inscribed
a 3-light window to the right, a similar window above, a blocked taking-in
door to the left of this and coupled sashes at 2nd floor. Continued to the
rear, an early addition of 2 storeys which has inter alia a 3-light window at
1st floor of this side and remains of 3 others on different levels in the
other side. Central element of less interest, said to have been built over
water course to former water wheel.
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