SP 13 SW
5/38 Snowshill Hill House House
Large farmhouse. Early C18, altered and extended C19 or early C20.
South garden facade, original house good coursed, squared stone
approaching ashlar, otherwise small, coursed, squared stone with
larger quoins; stone slate roof. Original building square, 3-
windows wide, projecting centre 'porch' on garden side, 2 1/2 storeys;
1 1/2 storey, single room extension on left, lean-to to part of right
return, both extending garden elevation. Garden front: plinth to
original centre; 4-light mullion and transom window in projection,
with king mullion; single light transomed windows in returns.
Either side a 3-light mullioned window, that on right over 2-light
to cellar. To left lean-to to extension only, sill wall, wooden
Tuscan columns supporting wallplate, gable wall left end; behind
metal French door under stone lintel. Plain string course to main
block above, stopping short of its corners. Three-light mullioned
window in centre projection, and either side in main block; single
light in returns of centre projection. On left, 2-light mullioned
window in extension, rising into parapet gable with roll on apex:
similar parapet gable left end. On right, lancet with sunk
spandrels over in lean-to. Above, plain string course, stopping
short of corner of main block on left, but extending to verge of
lean-to on right. Above oval window to centre projection with
alternate projecting dummy voussoirs: parapet gable over. Either
side larger gable on main block, 2-light mullioned window with
plain string course over, parapet gable with roll on apex.
Parallel side roofs linked by cross roof near front: chimneys
behind this. Double chimney from front eaves on left, 2 square
flues with moulded cap. Parapet gable extends down lean-to on
right. Interior not inspected. Single-storey link to right to
further 2 1/2 storey block, not of special interest.
Listing NGR: SP1215432895
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