(south side) 8/95 Group of ten monuments about 5m
north of chancel in churchyard of
Church of St. Mary the Virgin II
Group of 10 chest tombs. Late C17 to late C19. All limestone.
In 3 rows, from west to east: Row A has 1 tomb, Row B has 5 tombs,
Row C has 4 tombs.
Row A, Tomb 1: Unidentified. Late C17. Flat top, moulded
plinth and capping. Plain sides and ends made from different size
pieced blocks. Inscription to west indecipherable.
Row B, from south to north, Tomb 1: Thomas Packer, died 1753, and
other members of Packer family. Tall moulded plinth and capping
on plain base. Quarter baluster corners, fluted frieze. Plain
fielded end panels, sides have rectangular panels with low relief
floral carving in corners and inscriptions in centre. Top has
stepped tent top with curved edges, rising to longitudinal roll
moulding. Partially overgrown at time of survey (March 1985).
Row B, Tomb 2: Iles family, Elizabeth died 1779 earliest
decipherable. Square. Tall moulded plinth and capping.
Quarter baluster corners. Inscription panels on all sides with
low relief arabesque surrounds. Stepped pyramidal base with
central urn finial on stepped base. Top badly eroded to east and
north and partially overgrown at time of survey.
Row B, Tomb 3: Unidentified, died 1754. Moulded plinth and
capping on base. Quarter baluster corners, plain end panels,
fielded side panels, inscriptions to north and west indecipherable.
Concave moulded cap with additional projecting moul<ring, rising to
short longitudinal roll moulding. Partially overgrown at time of
Row B, Tomb 4: Iles family, Amy died 1743 earliest decipherable.
Moulded plinth and capping, indented corners. Fielded end panels,
sides divided into 2 fielded panels. InscriptLons partially
legible. Tent top with flattened upper surface.
Row B, Tomb 5: Unidentified, very early C18. Bale tomb.
Moulded plinth and capping on base. Recessed end ind side panels
with incised spirals flanking side panels. Long inscription on
north side indecipherable, remaining inscriptions nearly
obliterated. Twisted spiral bale on flat top. Partially
overgrown at time of survey.
Row C, from south to north, Tomb 1: Iles family, late C18.
Moulded plinth and capping on tall base. Quarter baluster
corners, plain end panels with fluted corners. Sides have fielded
ovals with low relief floral carved spandrels. Inscriptions
obliterated. Long low tent top. Partially overgrown at time of
Row C, Tomb 2: Iles family, Ann died 1850 earliest decipherable
but probably early C19. Moulded plinth and capping on tall base.
Quarter baluster corners, plain end panels with fluted corners.
Sides have flush oval panels with low relief floral carved
spandrels. Inscriptions mostly indecipherable. Long low tent
Row C, Tomb 3: Iles family, Richard died 1789 earliest
decipherable. Moulded plinth and capping on tall base. Recessed
rectangular end panels and recessed side panels with flanking
fluted strips. Stepped and curved tent top rising to longitudinal
roll moulding.
Row C, Tomb 4: Unidentified, early C18. Moulded plinth and wide
capping. Indented corners. Shield shape end panels with foliage
relief on returns, recessed rectangular side panels with quadrant
corners. Inscriptions indecipherable. Top has moulded cap
surmounted by shallow rectangular block with gadrooned edge.
Listing NGR: SU1615496510
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