SE 6422
(north side)
12/77 No 10 (The Lodge)
House, now club. Mid-late C18 with alterations of c1980, including colour-
wash and windows. Brick in Flemish bond with ashlar dressings, colour-
washed throughout. Pantile roof. Double-pile plan, with 2-room central
entrance-hall south front, main staircase to left, secondary staircase to
right, and 3 rooms to rear. 3 storeys, 5 bays; symmetrical. Step to
tripartite Doric entrance with wide 6-panelled door beneath 5-pane overlight
in panelled reveal, 8-pane sash sidelights in wooden architraves with
moulded ashlar sills, and pilastered surround with plain entablature and
central projecting columned porch with pediment. Unsympathetic C20
casements in original openings (those to second floor shorter) with
projecting sills and rubbed-brick arches with double keystones. Central
first-floor Venetian window with rubbed-brick pilasters and keyed arch,
plain sill and lintels. Moulded stone-coped parapet and gables with plain
kneelers to rear. Truncated end stacks. Side elevations have single sashes
and round-headed stair windows with glazing bars and keyed arches. 2-storey
rear elevation: ground floor has three 12-pane sashes and one unequal 6-pane
sash in flush wooden architraves beneath keyed flat arches, inserted door
beneath segmental arch, and blocked central round arch with unsympathetic
inserted C20 windows; five 12-pane first-floor sashes in flush wooden
architraves beneath keyed flat arches; coved cornice. Interior. Entrance
hall, now opened to side rooms, has ornate modillioned cornice and
plasterwork ceiling rose with garlands, veined white marble floor with black
insets; front rooms have ornate plaster cornices with floral friezes, grey
marble pilastered chimney-piece to right flanked by half-domed alcoves with
moulded panelled doors below; similar marble chimney-piece to left with
paterae, reeded pilasters and frieze, flanked by fitted mahogany cupboards;
ground floor rear right has moulded dado rail, cornice and spine beam, pair
of arched alcoves. Good 2-flight return main staircase with ramped corniced
handrail, pairs of column-on-urn balusters with square knops to each tread,
large column newel and scrolled foliate brackets; 2-flight return secondary
staircase with closed-string, plain balusters and moulded handrail.
Dentilled cornice and pair of round-arched doors with radial fanlights to
upper hall. Original stone chimney-pieces, dado rails and moulded cornices
to first-floor bedrooms, the cornices to front rooms especially ornate;
front right has dentilled cornice with pulvinated bay-leaf moulded frieze,
Doric pilastered chimney-piece flanked by arched alcoves, and 2-fold
fielded-panel connecting door to central room. Fielded-panel window
shutters and doors in architraves and panelled reveals throughout. The
plaster cornices, with their figured friezes, are similar to those at Cowick
Hall (qv) probably dating from James Paine's alterations of the 1750s.
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