This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 20/02/2015
SD 41 NE
No. 66 and No. 68 (Formerly listed as No. 66, Post Office and No. 68, TOWN ROAD) 17.4.67 GV II Includes No 2 Church Street.
Probably formerly a farmhouse, extended and altered, now 2 shops and house.
Various builds, beginning (No. 66) C17 or earlier, with extensions and
alterations mostly C18 and early C19. Mostly handmade brick, part
roughcast, and some coursed sandstone rubble with quoins; slate roof.
No. 66 is 2 bays, 2 storeys, gable to road (right return wall forming
corner of Church Street); Post Office and No. 68 are a 3-bay range
continued to the left, higher 2 storeys, attached to and partly overlapping
No. 66. Right return wall of No. 66 of sandstone with quoins at each end
and rounded coping at 1st floor, finished in brick above, has a blocked
horizontal rectangular window with remains of a hoodmould at ground floor
of the front bay, a blocked square window above, an inserted door and a
casement on each floor of the rear bay. The front gable is linked to a
gable on the adjoining bay to the left, each gable has a 12-pane sashed
window (both belonging to No. 66), and at ground floor here are altered
shop windows to No. 66 (with remains of simple triangular brick moulds
above), and an early C19 double-fronted shop window to the post office,
with pilaster jambs and cornice, the left part carried over the front of
the right hand end of No. 68. No. 68 has a central panelled door with
round-headed surround, keystone, and fanlight, a 4-pane sash to the left
and 2 others at 1st floor. No. 66 has a chimney at the rear gable,
No. 68 at the left gable, and there is a large chimney stack on the ridge
in line with the gable of the post office, another at the rear wall. Rear:
short gabled wing in line with front gable of post office has remains of a
very small brick mullion window in the apex with a label; otherwise altered
and extended at ground floor. Interior: extensive timber framing in No. 66
includes stopped ovolo-moulded beams in both bays, and post and rail framed
partition walls (exposed at 1st floor) with Tudor-arched doorways; at 1st
floor a very large chimney or smoke hood, said to have served a forge or
similar hearth below.
Listing NGR: SD4899718458
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