1/49 North Farmhouse
GV House, c.1600 and later. Timber framed, plastered, roofed with handmade red
clay tiles. 2 bays aligned approx. NE-SW, c.1600, with internal chimney stack
at SW end, external chimney stack at NE end. SE extension from SW end, c.1620,
with external chimney stack at end and contemporary stair tower in E angle.
Entrance and lean-to porch in S angle, C20. Extension to SE, C20. 2 storeys
and attics. NW elevation, towards High Road, 3 C20 leaded casement windows
on ground floor, on first floor. Grouped diagonal shafts, C17 on Si,I stack,
C20 on NE stack. Some framing exposed internally. Jowled posts, straight
bracing from posts to wallplates and tiebeams inside studs, not trenched.
Blocked windows with ovolo mullions on both floors at Sil end of SW wall of
earlier part, enclosed by later part. Complete window with ovolo-plus-concave
moulded mullions and diagonally set iron bars in stair tower, C20 glass. Round
newel and stairs original, ground floor to attic. 2 original panelled oak doors
and hinges, and some reproductions. Fireplace with depressed arch and original
plaster on first floor at SE end. Beside it, diamond mortices for unglazed
window. Ground floor SW fireplace reduced in C18, with brick arch and jambs.
The earliest part of the present building, the NE-SW block, is probably the
crosswing of a former hall to the SE, demolished c.1620 arid replaced by the
present SE extension. Many of the C20 features date front a careful restoration
carried out in the 1920's.
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