3/43 Housham Hall Hall
20.2.67 GV II Farmhouse, mid-C16 and C17, altered in C18, C19 and C20. Timber framed, cased
with brickwork and rough-cast rendered, roofed with handmade red clay tiles.
2 storey crosswing aligned NE-SW, mid-C16. Internal. chimney stack in middle
of SE wall, C17/18. 3 bay block of 2 storeys with attics extending to SE, with
external chimney stack at end. Single storeyed extension to NW, C20. SW
elevation, glazed door, one casement window, 2 tripartite double-hung sash
windows, all c20. 6 panel door, top panels glazed, in flat roofed porch. First
floor, one C20 casement window, 2 tripartite double-hung sash windows, early
C19, one double-hung sash window, early C19. Main roof hipped at both ends
behind parapet. Roof of crosswing rebuilt on NW-SE alignment, half-hipped at
NW. Framing partly exposed internally. Jowled posts. Evidence of former
unglazed windows with sliding shutters in crosswing. The crosswing and the
main block are structurally distinct and of different periods, indicating a
phased renewal of the building. The first phase was probably an open hall,
aligned NW-SE, with a crosswing at the NW end. The second phase was the
insertion of a chimney stack in the NW bay of the hall. This is well
illustrated in the Walker map of 1609 (Essex Record Office D/DU 25) which shows
the building in elevation. The third phase was the demolition of the hall block
and chimney, and its replacement by the present NW-SE block, leaving the
crosswing standing to the present day. The fourth phase was the casing in
brickwork of the whole building, and the reconstruction of the crosswing roof
on a NW-SE alignment, characteristic of the C18. The present chimney stack
in the crosswing cannot be the one illustrated by Walker. Alterations were
made to the windows in the early c19, of which some survive, and in the C20.
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