TL 83 NE
(west side)
2/65 Reynolds
House. C15, altered in C18 and C19. Timber framed, plastered with some exposed
framing, roof thatched. 2-bay hall aligned E-W with late C16 chimney stack in E
bay against N wall, and storeyed service bay to E, with C19 external chimney
stack at end. Parlour/solar bay to W rebuilt in C18, with internal chimney
stack at end. One storey with attics. S (garden) elevation, 5 C20 casements, 3
more in eyebrow dormers, plain boarded door with shingled canopy. N elevation, 3
C20 casements, one more in eyebrow dormer, plain boarded door, some exposed
framing at E end. The interior has jowled posts, heavy studding, original
wattle and daub mainly present. Lodged floor of the E bay is of heavy
longitudinal joists, raised approx. 0.30 metre to compensate for sinking of the
end wall. Inserted floor in hall has axial beam and joists of square section,
all chamfered with lamb's tongue stops, on pegged clamps, c.1600. Unglazed
window in upper E wall complete with 3 diamond mullions, blocked by chimney.
The roof of this bay was originally hipped, now rebuilt as a gable. Collar-
rafter roof above hall, heavily smoke-blackened, and retaining in its N pitch
several square metres of original thatch 'torched' with clay daub, itself
heavily smoke-blackened and therefore original, a very rare survival worthy of
careful preservation. Roof of W bay rebuilt with ridge. The original parlour
doorway with mortice for draught screen is blocked. RCHM 7.
Listing NGR: TL8907235659
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