SU 5711
10/60 The Rectory
II House. Early C18, minor features of the early C19, wings and alterations of
c1860, rear porch c1900. Walls of brickwork in Flemish bond with blue headers,
red dressings; plinth, rubbed flat arches, aprons below cills. Hipped tile roof,
Modillion eaves cornice. Symmetrical west front elevation of two storeys and
attic, five windows, with two-storeyed lower wings set back at each side, of one
window. Sashes, some original, some in reveals of the early C19, some Victorian
sashes, with a splayed stone ground-floor bay at the north side, sashes to the
three dormers, beneath pediments. The doorway is of two phases, the radiating
fanlight and stone steps being original, the later parts having a Gothic style,
including an open pediment with panelled soffit, thin mouldings of a Tuscan Order,
clustered columns and half-columns. The original end elevations are masked by
the wings, which have hipped roofs, corner pilasters, and irregular features.
At the rear there is a two-storeyed porch with arcading, protecting an original
doorway, with a fanlight, and ground-floor casements. Inside, two rooms are
almost completely panelled, and the original staircase has been modified by later
rails (which may be copies). A fragment of wood panel, recently discovered,
appears to be the remains of a packing case, and has lettering including the name
of the Rev. Bromley, who began his ministry at Wickham in 1733.
Listing NGR: SU5759011437
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