SX 64 NE
4/34 Barns and outbuildings at
Stockadon Farm
Barn, stable, dairy and outbuildings in two units enclosing stockyard. Dated
1859 and 1884; main barn perhaps pre-dates the 1859 wing. Rubble, slate, some
asbestos-cement slate. A big L-plan unit to north and east sides of yard, in 2
storeys, but set against slopes as bank-barns on outer faces. Two-storey barn
to left, hipped outer end, square plank loading door to wood lintel, 3 rows of
pigeon openings to its left, at upper level. Below are 8 doors to shippon, with
segmental stone voussoir heads, plank doors with open slats to upper half in
some cases; a ninth door, left, blocked. Central opening to back of barn at
upper ground level. Seven-bay high pegged collar roof, 2 purlins. Adjoining,
with higher ridge, it L-plan barn unit with date-stone: H Ackworthy, Builder,
1859. Inner front has loading door to segmental stone voussoir head, over large
C20 square opening and 4 part-blocked openings with small lights to voussoirs, 3
slits at eaves. Return arm has date-stone and one similar opening, then, with
lower ridge line, but apparently built at same time, 2-storey unit with 3 venti-
lating slits at eaves, 3 windows, one blocked, to voussoirs, and a sliding steel
door; gable end also has steel sliding door. Outer face of barn with one large
and smaller door, return, to east, hipped at outer corner, has pair of plank
doors to each unit. The barn is 3-bay with scissors trusses. This group linked
by enclosing wall c.2.25 m high, and with large opening trimmed in brick, to the
compact 2-storey U-plan second unit dated 1884. This has two half-hipped arms
facing south and enclosing very narrow courtyard, with gabled block full width
across the back. To stockyard a large plank door in gable and towards the barn
a series of square openings to wood lintels, at lower level. Right arm has
segmental headed window; left arm a sash at each level; one of these 16-pane.
Brick segmental-headed opening to inner faces of arms. The boundary wall, to
right, sweeps round in an arc to concrete block pier. Yard is in concrete. A
good complete set of farm buildings with minimal C20 modification.
Listing NGR: SX6972549857
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