(north side) 5/171 Church Hill House,
(formerly listed as
21.12.67 Church View and
Hill Cottage) GV II Wrongly shown on OS map as Church View. House. C.1500, altered in later
C16 and C20. Timber framed, plastered, roofed with handmade red clay tiles.
Main range of 3 bays facing approx. SE, with late C16 external stack at left
end, and rear wing of 3 bays from left end, with late C16 axial stack in middle
bay, forming an obtuse-angled L-plan. Lean-to behind main range. 2 storeys.
Ground floor, C20 bow window, 6-panel door, and double garage doors, all under
tiled hipped canopy. First floor, 3 C20 casements. Left end of roof hipped.
One diagonal shaft on external stack, rebuilt. Jowled posts, close studding
with curved braces trenched to the outside. The front range has a jetty,
underbuilt at an early date, and a large wood-burning hearth. On the ground
floor the partition between the left and middle bays has been removed, and the
right bay lined for use as a garage. Chamfered arched braces to cambered
tiebeam, crownpost roof without access. Unglazed window with 2 diamond mullions
in the rear lean-to. The rear range originally extended further to the NW, now
truncated at an open truss. Shutter groove for unglazed window in left side,
edge-halved and bridled scarf in right wallplate. Large woodburning hearth
facing to rear, C20 hearth back to back with it, both probably on the site of an
earlier timber framed chimney. Evidence of a former bread oven to left of
stack. In rear bay, chamfered axial beam and plain joists of horizontal section
jointed to it with unrefined soffit tenons. In front bay, axial and transverse
beams, joists of horizontal section, all moulded with lamb's tongue stops.
Crownpost roof with axial braces, the structure terminated originally on each
side of the chimney bay. No smoke-blackening in roof. RCHM 9.
Listing NGR: TL7120031297
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