(south side) 9/137 Nos. 3, 5 and 7
31.10.66 (Caxton House) GV II Inn, now house, shop and Post Office. Late C17, altered in C18 and late C19.
Timber framed, plastered, roofed with handmade red plain tiles. Square plan
facing NNW, with 2 internal stacks. 3 storeys and cellars. Ground floor, pair
of late C19 shops with central door to house. 2 splayed bays of 3 lights,
panelled below, under joint fascia. Each shop has a glazed door with a plain
overlight. 4 panelled pilasters with heavy carved and scrolled brackets to
fascia, with moulded cornice. Central 6-panel door, the bottom panels flush,
raised ovals on the others, and plain overlight, with similar panelling in each
jamb. First floor, 2 C18 splayed bays of sashes of 8-12-8 lights, and central
sash of 12 lights. The splayed bays continue above, with on the second floor 3
sashes of 4-6-4 lights in each, and a central sash of 6 lights. Dentilled and
moulded cornice with triglyph frieze, returning at each end, and plain parapet
following the line of the bays. Hipped roof. Recorded as The Crown Inn in
1692, a brewery in 1792, and a printing house in 1889 (G.F. Beaumont, A History
of Coggeshall in Essex, 1890, 232, and J.S. Gardner (ed.), Coggeshall, Essex,
1951, 32, 38).
Listing NGR: TL8501722552
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Books and journals Beaumont, GF , A History of Coggeshall in Essex, (1890), 232 Gardner, J S, Coggeshall Essex, (1951), 32, 38
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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