SX 57 NW
4/76 The Old Rectory
II Rectory, now house. Circa 1840 with c. 1860 front wing with later C20 alterations.
Granite rubble, stucco, slate roof, hipped over main range, rendered side stacks with
In the original house, 2 principal rooms to front with an axial hall passage behind,
entrance to left side and stair well to right, hall separating front rooms from
itnegral service rooms behind. The c. 1860's wing was added to front right at right
angles and projecting slightly, with stable block added to rear. The original house
was designed in the Georgian tradition, the wing in a Victorian Italianate style.
Main range of 2 storeys and 3 windows, 12-pane sashes at first floor, two 16-pane and
central 12-pane at ground floor, all in plain reveals; wing to right of 2 storeys has
gable end to front with paired 4-pane sashes at ground and first floor, smaller at
first floor, with moulded string course at springing of round-headed arches, moulding
over heads of windows and keystones, first floor cills on brackets, moulded first
floor cill string, plinth. Left side of wing has similar sash at ground and first
floor; right side has C20 glazed single storey addition, single storey rubble stable
block with asbestos slate roof behind. Left return has blank gable end to main
range, porch to left with former chapel projecting above, 6-panelled door with brass
fittings, 2-light C20 window to chapel; rear of porch block has similar window at
ground and first floor; single storey rear wing attached to left has 12-pane sash at
upper level to right. Rear has former stable block to left with wide opening with
timber lintel, 6-pane light and gabled dormer. Rear of main house in 2 ranges,
taller 2-storey to left with 4 windows, all 12-pane sashes irregularly spaced at
first floor, ground floor has 2-pane light, single light and 2- light casement, door
with lead hood to right; second range to right has 2 windows, 3-light casements at
ground floor, first floor has C20 4-pane light and 9-pane sash, rendering lined out.
Interior room to front left has mid C19 marble chimney piece with moulded corbels to
mantel, shutters to windows, 6-panelled doors at ground floor with panelled soffits
and cheeks; open-well stair with turned balusters and ball finials to newels.
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