SX 47 SE
6/119 Bucktor Farmhouse
II Farmhouse. Early C16 with later C16/early C17 cross wing, later additions and
alterations of mid C19 and C20. Granite and slatestone rubble with granite
dressings, some granite ashlar. Scantle slate roof with hipped lower right end and
gabled left end; clay ridge tiles with some early crested ridge tiles surviving.
Granite ashlar lateral stack to front with 2 stone rubble shafts; large granite stack
at right end. Ashlar stack to left end with rebuilt rendered shaft.
Although the interior has not been inspected, the plan appears to be 3 rooms and a
through passage with the lower end to right heated by an end stack. The hall has a
large front lateral stack with a second shaft rising from the eaves immediately to
the right, which suggests a smoking chamber. It may be that the hall was used as a
kitchen and therefore the lower room may originally have been unheated, later used as
the parlour. The higher left end appears to have been extended in the C17 with a
cross wing which projects to the front end; this has a lateral stack to its higher
left side. There is a rear stair tower, entered from the hall, and outshuts to left
and right of the stair tower, all single storey, behind the lower end and the hall,
probably of C18/C19. There is a C20 lean-to at the upper left side of the cross
wing, and a C20 porch to the front of the passage.
2 storeys, asymmetrical 5-window range, front has C20 glazed porch with pitched roof,
to passage right of centre, 2-light C19 casement above, lower end to right has 3-
light casement with stone cambered head at ground floor and 2-light hipped dormer.
To left of porch, hall has 2-light casment at ground and first floor, stack rising
from eaves and slightly projecting front lateral stack in ashlar; to left at ground
floor a small 2-light casement set in former 4-centred arched granite window opening,
hollow-chamfered jambs with recessed spandrels and hood mould and reused chamfered
cill, probably re-fronted wall in ashlar to left. Front cross wing to left has gable
end in rubble with C20 casements, 3-light at ground floor and 2-light at first floor,
wall chamfered to left; left side of wing has straight joint to gable end of main
range and external weathered stack in ashlar, upper part replaced C20, lean-to at
ground floor; at first floor of main range a 2-light granite casement with 2-centred
arched heads, hollow and roll moulded, with mullion removed and 2-light casement
Rear and interior not inspected at time of survey (October 1985). The interior is
likely to have features of interest and the old roof structure may well survive.
Listing NGR: SX4587072388
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