This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 09/11/2015
SO 92 SW
Hayden Farmhouse
(Formerly listed as Haydon Farmhouse)
Farmhouse. Early C17, altered C18, C19, 1914, minor alterations
mid C20. Timber-framed, partly wattle and daub infill, partly
brick nogged; painted brickwork of various dates; tiled roof.
'L'plan, 3-bay, 2-room end, 2½ storeys; 4-bay, 2-storey rear
wing, with slightly lower 2-bay extension: lean-to in angle and on
short wing. Open side faces yard: on right gable short wing,
stone plinth, framing 2 panels high per floor. External brick
chimney, sloping brick offsets: C20 wooden window to right
ground floor replacing earlier door. On right gable-of brick lean-
to to garden front: 2-light casement. Set back on left front of
brick lean-to, 2-light casement, boarded door. Set back to rear
wing, high ashlar plinth, framing 3 panels high above to eaves,
boarded door, 2-light casement. Above, on right curved braces
forming circle, partly hidden by lean-to; 5-light casement,
applied frame, leaded lights, some greenish glass, iron-opening
casements. Three-light casement to left, curved brace corner post
to wallplate. Ridge chimney on right, and on left gable. To left
slighty-lower wing, brick plinth, framing 3 panels high, partly
replaced with brickwork at bottom: blocked doorway, shuttered
opening on ground floor, and to right above. Gable of brick lean-
to on left.
Interior: hollow chamfers to some exposed beams in rear wing:
partitions moved, stairs probably inserted. Cantilevered toilet
off gable rear wing, seat survives with cover: upper floor
originally open to roof: straight windbraces. Short wing on
right, originally 2 unequal rooms each floor, partition moved on
ground floor, part first floor raised 1914 when corner rebuilt in
brick. Panelled doors to cupboard rear ground floor room: wide
chamfer to ceiling beams. Collar trusses to loft, with 2 pairs
purlins and square ridge. Wings of 'L' two different dates: parts
of rear wall long section rebuilt in brick in late C18.
(V.C.H., Gloucestershire, VIII, 1968; D. Verey, Gloucestershire,
the Vale and the Forest of Dean, 1970)
Listing NGR: SO9036723623