SE 67 NE
(south side, off)
5/64 Highfield Farmhouse - II Farmhouse. Mid C18, with early C19 extension and later C19 alteration.
Dressed sandy limestone with concrete pantile roof and brick stacks.
Original house central-stairhall plan, 2 rooms deep; extended at side. 2-
storey, 2-window C18 front, at right of 2-storey, 3-window C19 extension.
Older part has 4-panel door beneath painted keyed round arch. 16-pane sash
with painted timber lintel at right, and 2-light, 12-pane horizontal-sliding
sash with painted, keyed flat arch at left. 2-light, large-pane casement at
left of first floor and 2-light, large-pane horizontal-sliding sash at
right, both with painted keyblock arches and painted sills. End stacks.
C19 end has two 16-pane sashes on ground floor and 2 on first floor above;
at right end a tall, unequal, 15-pane sash. All windows have painted
grooved and hammered wedge lintels and painted stone sills. Left end stack.
Rear: 2-storey, 3-window C18 part and 2-storey, 2-window C19 part at right.
C18 part has 24-pane sashes on ground floor. Inserted top-opening light at
centre of first floor, with 16-pane sash at left, and 2-light, large-pane
horizontal-sliding sash at right. Painted flat arches with keyblocks and
painted sills to all windows. Yard bell at right end. Panelled door
beneath blocked overlight in C19 end, and 16-pane sashes with painted sills
on both floors. All openings have painted grooved and hammered wedge
lintels. Right return: 6-panel door with divided fanlight, beneath painted
keyed round arch. 2-light, large-pane casement beneath keyed flat arch in
gable end. Interior. C18 part: closed-string, dogleg staircase with
Chinese Chippendale balustrade and ramped-up moulded handrail. In room to
right of front door dado rail survives, and original corner chimney-piece
with plain surround and moulded shelf beneath later alterations. Ground-
floor doors, shutters and window recesses all of raised and fielded
panelling. C19 part has closed-string, dogleg staircase with reeded
balusters, turned newels, and moulded handail ramped up to landings. In the
kitchen a segment-arched fireplace with complete Yates of Malton range
survives. All doors and shutters are of raised and fielded panelling.
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