This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 10 November 2022 to amend the name and address, and reformat the text to current standards ST40NE
Nos 16 (Old Court House), 17 and 18 (Formerly listed as NORTH PERROTT VILLAGE Nos 16 (Old Court House), 17 and 18) GV
II Row of three cottages, possibly all one house formerly. Probable C16 origins, but mostly C18 and later in character. Random squared Ham stonework with some ashlar dressings; double Roman clay tiled roof with high stepped coped gables suggesting former thatch; brick end and intermediate chimney stacks. 'T'-plan; two storeys, six bays in all. No 18, to north, single-bay, and to ground floor is a two-light C19 small-pane casement; to right a boarded door in heavy frame, up four steps: extension to rear with a three-light rectangular leaded casement window to first floor, wrought-iron opening light, under timber lintel. No 17 of two bays, C20 steel window lower bay one; bay two has single-light hollow-chamfered window in chamfered recess, no label, having early iron-framed opening light; C20 part-glazed door on heavy frame, up four steps, left of bay one with three- and two-light leaded casement windows to first floor. No 16 of three bays: three-light casements to all but first floor centre bay, which is two-light; first floor windows are leaded casements with iron-framed opening lights, ground floor windows are early C20 small-pane casements. To lower bay two a deep recess with three steps up, voussoired flat-arched head, into which is set a moulded cambered-arched heavy timber doorframe of C16/C17: apparently a matching arch in rear will, but interior not seen. No 15, attached to south gable, appears to be of late C19 build and not of special interest. Listing NGR: ST4747709460
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