(east side)
11/101 The Old Rectory II Former rectory, now house. Late C16 and mid C17, partly
refenestrated and with addition, 1889. Coursed and squared
ironstone and brick, with limestone ashlar dressings and steep
pitched Collyweston slate roofs. Chamfered plinth and coped
gables, 2 ridge and single gable stone stacks. Single ridge and
single lateral brick stacks. 2 storeys, 3 bays. L-plan. West
front has a slightly off-centre moulded Tudor arched doorcase
with hood mould, and half-glazed C19 door. To its left, 3 two
light mullioned leaded casements with flat hoods. Beyond, to
right, a gabled wing with a blocked opening. Above, to left, 2
C19 gabled cross eaves dormers, each with a 2 light casement.
Gable to right has a 9 pane sash. South side has a small central
mullioned casement, flanked by single hipped C19 bay windows,
each with 3 plain sashes. Above, a central mullioned stair
light. Above it, a small late C20 gabled dormer, flanked by
single C19 cross eaves dormers, each with a 2 light casement.
North side has to left, a barred casement in a moulded surround.
To its right, a small casement. Above, to left, a C20 casement.
Rear has 3 gables, the central one brick, C19. To left, 2 tall
glazing bar sashes. To their right, 2 casements. Setback right
gable has to left a C19 door and to right, a C19 casement in a
moulded stone surround. Above, a plain sash flanked to left by a
glazing bar sash and to right by a casement. Interior has a
Tudor arched stone doorcase re-used as a fireplace. Dogleg stair
with square newel and moulded handrail. C17 ovolo moulded
doorcase, oak, with lambs' tongue stops. Chamfered fireplace
bressummer. Roof structure is said to date from c.1580.
Listing NGR: SK8110310167
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