Lower Combe Farmhouse and Lower Combe II Farmhouse and agricultural building, now two dwellings. Late medieval, ceiled late C16-early C17, agricultural range added and front roof raised subsequently, refenestrated, enlarged and extensively altered late C20. Chert stone random rubble, roughcast band below eaves, shallow pitch double Roman tile roof on facade, sole triple Roman tiles towards left gable end, shallower pitched higher extension to right, brick stack between second and third bays left at original gable end of dwelling, C16 tall stone stack with moulded cap set below roof ridge to right of cross passage, inserted C20 stack below roof ridge at former gable end right. Plan: lying north-east, south-west,site slopes away to south-west, single ended open hall house celled to three-cell and cross passage, extended with agricultural addition south-west C20 domestic addition north-east.Two storeys, 5:1 bays, all C20 two- and three-light casements, ground floor C20 entrance inserted second bay left, C20 square headed doorway and porch to cross passage centre, three window opening right with wooden lintels, double garage beyond. Interior: only the north-eastern half (Lower Combe) seen, the whole building much altered but with surprising number of good features remaining. Stud and plank screen with peaked head doorframe and two other inserted and blocked openings to left of cross passage; rear doorframe with moulded jambs and renewed head, probable C18 plank door; peaked doorframe to right of cross passage, hall with chamfered lintel to fireplace, chamfered stone jambs, stone oven opening with keystone, unusual cyma recta moulded beams, partly renewed, and wide, late medieval semi-circular headed door frame with frame of two panel partition, cill to right missing, similar to that at Quarkhill Farmhouse (qv) Crowcombe CP. On the upper floor one pair of archbraced jointed crucks visible, another pair said to survive in Lower Combe Farmhouse. A previous owner has traced the property back to 1325.(VAG Reports,unpublished SRO,October 1973 and March 1984). Listing NGR: ST1877919096
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Books and journals 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in March, (1984) 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in October, (1973)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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