TM 07 SE and TM 0771
2/28 and 6/28 GISLINGHAM
Spring Farm House II Farmhouse. Late C15 or early C16, extended late C16; floor inserted, part
raised and extended in C17, altered C18 and C19. Timber frame, plastered.
Steeply pitched pantiled and corrugated sheet roofs. Originally a 2 bay open
hall with storeyed lower bay, stack and parlour added at upper end to form a 3
cell cross passage plan. 4 bay kitchen/dairy wing attached to service end at
rear to form a large L on plan. Early bays raised to uniform 2 storeys and
attic, 1 storey and attic service wing. C16 addition to left projects
slightly forward, a C19 lobby entrance with a 6 panelled part glazed
architraved door, parlour has a glazed door and a first floor 2-light glazing
bar casement. Earlier bays have original entrance blocked, 3-light part
opening metal frame casements with C20 lights to former pantry, ground floor
hoodboards, first floor hoodmoulds, sprocket eaves. Axial ridge stack to left
of centre, rebuilt cap. Right gable end, ground floor rebuilt in brick, attic
3 light window, bargeboards. To rear ground floor rebuilt in brick with a 3-
light part opening casement into hall, above a 2-light leaded casement. C17
service wing outer elevation has cross passage door to centre, kitchen to left
has an external stack with offsets, 'IL 1809' in a tile, flanking oven
outshuts, dairy to right with two 3-light glazing bar casements with
hoodmoulds. Rear gable end pentice boards, shallower pitch to lower C18 roof.
Inner elevation cross passage half door, kitchen 2 and 3-light glazing bar
casements, first floor part leaded 4-light window, dairy has 2 doors and a 2-
light window to storage loft. Interior: 2 early service doorways from cross
passage; C17 raised panelled screen to hall, close studding, inserted bar stop
chamfered axial binding beam, parlour has closer studding and a stop chamfered
cross axial binding beam, traces of a 4 centred arched chamfered brick
fireplace, stairs behind stack, original windows concealed, C18 and C19 doors.
Hall and parlour chamber bar stop chamfered binding beams, original arched
brace to cambered tie beam at lower end of hall, C17 cranked braces in raised
section of former solar end wall. Parlour roof has cruck-like blades pegged
to principals to replace tie beams identical to those at Starhouse Farm House,
Clay Street, Thornham Magna C.P. (q.v.), lower butt and upper clasped purlins,
arched windbraces, raised roof over hall has double staggered tenoned purlins
with upper clasped purlins in 2 bays, arched windbraces. Service wing has
jowled storey posts, a bar stop chamfered cross axial binding beam, straight
arched braces to cambered tie beams, C18 roof with collars to principals, some
side purlins. Listing NGR: TM0800571549
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