TM 0771
6/47 The Old Guildhall
29.7.55 (formerly listed as Old
Guildhall Cottages) GV II* House, latterly 3 dwellings. Late C15, stacks added and floor inserted
c.1600, part rebuilt late C17, altered c.1800 and C20. Timber frame,
plastered. Thatched roof. 4 bays, a 2 bay open hall with storeyed end bays.
Now all 2 storeys and attic. Two C20 doors, that to right into solar bay, to
left approximately into original cross passage, C20 leaded casements, ground
floor hoodboards, over hall upper bay an inserted 2-light dormer with hipped
thatched head. Axial ridge stack inserted in lower bay of hall and cross
passage. Right or solar gable end early external stack tapering to base with
a single offset, behind a pantiled lean-to outshut, in attic an early latticed
light. Exposed C17 purlins in both gable ends. Interior: much of frame is
concealed, original door rebate into service bay to left, largely rebuilt
following a fire in C17, straight tension bracing in walls, stop chamfered
axial binding beam; in hall inserted stop chamfered axial binding beam and
joists, a chamfered four centred arched door head into solar bay which has a
rebated jowled storey post with a small chamfered brace to a stop chamfered
cross axial binding beam, plain joists. First floor open truss jowled posts
are rebated with traces of corbelling to large arched braces to cambered tie
beam, all chamfered; straight arched braces from posts to wall plates halved
inside close studding with mid-rail. Solar end wall tension bracing, arched
fireplace; inserted ogee stop chamfered axial binding beams at both ends.
Crown post roof, tall octagonal post to open truss with roll and bell moulded
cap and base, 4 way arched bracing, smoke blackened rafters over hall and
solar, roof over end bays largely rebuilt with side purlins. (East Anglian
Miscellany Vol.21, 1927, pp.45-8, E.Mercer, English Vernacular Houses,
R.C.H.M, pp.202-3, NMR).
Listing NGR: TM0738571812
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Books and journals Mercer, Eric, English Vernacular Houses, (1975), 202-3 'East Anglian Miscellany' in East Anglian Miscellany, (1927)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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