29.7.55 -- II Large farmhouse. C17 origins, remodelled and extended 1815 for Harrison
family, 'CH 1815' on brick to front. Timber frame, roughcast, white brick
facade. Steeply hipped plaintiled roofs with some glazed pantiles to rear. A
half H on plan: 3 bay front range with 3 and 4 bay wings extending to rear, 3
cell early core to rear right. 2 storey front block, lower 2 storey and attic
wings to rear. Facade breaks forward to centre with a step up to a recessed 6
raised, fielded panelled door, traceried rectangular fanlight, raised fielded
panelled soffit and reveals. Timber Roman Doric porch with a modillioned
cornice, first floor recessed 16 pane sash with a gauged brick segmental head.
Outer bays have tripartite 12 pane sashes with gauged brick segmental heads.
Offset plinth, pilaster strips at ends, modillioned eaves cornice, parapet.
Plain returns with stacks behind each bay. 3 bay wing to rear right is
earlier core with rear bay an addition, outer elevation has an entrance
towards front with a half glazed, half panelled door with shaped brackets to
hood, Phoenix Insurance marker above, 2 and 3-light glazing bar casements, two
2-light gabled dormers with leaded panes, cross axial ridge stack. 4 bay wing
to rear left has French windows, 2 and 4 light glazing bar casements, boxed
eaves, two 2-light gabled dormers, cross axial ridge stack. Inner returns of
wings enclose a small yard with a 1 storey lean-to behind main range,
scattered casements and entrances, one leaded cross casement. Interior: early
core has close studding, stop chamfered cross axial binding beams, double
purlin roof with lower butt purlins, upper collars and halved principals
clasping purlins. Early C19 front rooms with dado rails, dentilled cornices,
open well stair with turned balusters, moulded ramped handrail. Attached to
longer rear wing are lengths of red brick walling, about 50m long and 3 to 4m
high, dentilled course to rounded coping, doorways at ends.
Listing NGR: TM0937477144
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