SO 70 NW AWRE AWRE 4/95 Church of St Andrew
- I Anglican parish church. Basic C13 layout and much fabric; C15 tower and
various windows. Squared or rubble sandstone, nave south wall upper parts
raised or rebuilt, limestone dressings, tracery gable copings; plain tile
roof. Three stage crenellated west tower with diagonal buttresses to west
face, square stair clamp north-east; long, low nave and north aisle, both
with steep roof pitches, two-storey south porch, long chancel with ridge
slightly below nave. Windows - see interior. West door moulded C13.
Interior: nave and north aisle with boarded C19 barrel vault roofs, 6-bay
early English arcade, round columns and moulded round caps, high, simple
bases, new glazed and etched screen to tower arch, opening from rood start
to chancel arch, left. North aisle alternate 3 or 4 light flat arched per-
pendicular windows and single lancets; 2-light C14 window west and triple
lancet with slender shaft responds, east. Simple late C13 tomb recess with
cusping in north wall. South wall, nave, three 2-light Tudor windows plus
small 2-light at eaves by pulpit; chancel has fine triple trefoiled lancets
with dividing and respond ringed shafts in east wall, two lancets with tre-
foil cusping in north wall, two 2-light C14 in south wall; priests' door and
tomb recess, south, and aumbry north C19 roof with diagonal wind-bracing
foliated caps to chancel arch responds, including drilled decoration. Re-
mains of C15 screen in oak, and rood stair visible, left. Good carved
reredos of 1892, late C19 pitch-pine pews octagonal C15 font, late C19 pul-
pit and reading desk. Porch contains C15 inner door; lancet in east wall,
and here also extra door.
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