SO 50 SE
6/188 Willsbury Farmhouse
- II
Farmhouse. C16, C18 and C19. Rendered, plain tile roof, gable stacks, that
to right a large external stack. The acre of the house is a lofty gabled house
with, back left, a projecting cross-gabled wing, probably staircase; part of the
main block is also a parallel range unit, and a C20 extension (not included) lies
to the left. There has been considerable modification to the original property
in the C18 and C19. Entrance front in 3 storeys, irregular fenestration with two
6-pane sashes roughly centred at second floor, over two 12-pane sashes, one of these
far right, and at ground floor three 12-pane sashes, a 6-panel door under an arch
with plain tympanum, keystones, pilasters and impost blocks, off-centre, left, and
between windows, right a plain deep round-arched niche also with triple keystone.
At back the parallel range unit is in three storeys with, left, a 12-pane over 16-
pane sash, C20 glazed door in segmental keyed arch, and, set low in wall, a 3-light
stone chamfered mullion casement without drip over a 4-light similar but with
stopped drip, and both of these with inner diagonal saddle bars; turret, right in
3½ storeys has small 2-light stone chamfered mullioned casement over 2-light C19
casements at second and first floors and ground floor opening, to basement in a
C16 4-centre arch. Interior not inspected, but the ground floor room left of entry
has stone floor and a large C16 bressummer fireplace.
Listing NGR: SO5864104351
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