849-1/9/68 (North side)
07/08/51 Nos.65, 65 1/2, 67, 67A
(Formerly Listed as:
(North side)
Nos.65, 67 AND 67A) GV II Former inn, now divided into 4 houses. Late medieval, the
major right-hand portion (No 65 1/2 - No 67A), rebuilt early
or mid C16. Solid rendered walls (stone rubble and cob).
Slated roof. 4 rendered chimneys. Much altered, but No 65 1/2
appears to be a former projecting entrance porch with room
adjoining, off-centre to left. Stair turret with canted sides
at right-hand end. Cart entrance, with rooms over, at rear,
opening off Roborough Lane. 2 storeys. 5 windows wide. No 65
has panelled double doors; 8-paned sash window to left. Upper
storey has 3-light wood casement window with glazing bars. No
65 1/2 has late C20 panelled door; large segmentel-headed C20
window to left; 8-paned sash window in upper storey. Left side
wall has two C16 single-light windows: small square-headed one
in ground storey, taller round-headed one above. Right side
wall has similar square-headed window set between storeys. Nos
67-67A have 5-panelled C19 door, flanked by 8-paned sash
window; 2 matching windows in upper storey with a 6-paned sash
window at a lower level in the centre. Attached to the
right-hand end is a conduit head, which is separately listed.
Above it is a small round-headed stair window; 3 round-headed
lights (1 now blocked). Right side wall to Roborough Lane has
small blocked round-arched window to left of upper storey. To
right of it, a partly blocked square-headed window with
remains of hood-mould. Cart entrance has segmental arch and
double plank doors. Two 6-paned sash windows above. The whole
front has a coved eaves-cornice, returning on to the side of
the stair turret.
Interior: 1983 report says No 65 (the medieval part) has 3
original trusses with clasped purlins, comparable to those
formerly at No 33 North Street (demolished 1970). W gable and
centre trusses have sole-plates and ashlar-posts; purlins
clasped between collar and principal held in position by an
upright timber halved to both collar and principal. Timber
darkened, but not certainly smoke-blackened. East truss closed
with clean wattle-and-daub. Remainder of building re-roofed
C17 or C18. A shouldered-head door frame survives in the roof
space. c.late C16 or earlier C17 painted plaster survives on 1
wall of first floor right-hand room. No 67 has in rear
left-hand ground floor room a beam, parallel to street, with
hollow and half-round mouldings; at left-hand end the moulding
turns down to form the head of a stud. On 1st floor, to right,
a stud-and-panel partition parallel with street; studs have
ogee and half-round mouldings at front, plain chamfers at
rear. Adjoining it (probably re-set) a shouldered-head door
frame. Adjoining stairs, linenfold panelling, also probably
re-set. No 67A has C18 ground floor chimneypiece, eared
architrave with keyblock and moulded cornice, cupboard with
shaped shelves. 3-panelled ovolo-moulded door and another
upstairs. Against right gable wall on ground floor a beam with
ogee and quarter-round mouldings. The building is believed to
have been The Spread Eagle Inn.
(1971-: 181-6).
Listing NGR: SX7582170021
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