SU 9643 NE
(east side)
No 30 (Church House)
II House, now office with flat. C16 and C17 of different builds, much restored and
altered mid Cl9 and C20. Timber frame, mostly stuccoed; plain tile roofs. 2
storeys, part with attic. 3 bays with added cross-wing on left and further
single-storey bay to left; 3 rear wings. Main range: near centre a C19 gabled,
open-sided porch with elliptical archway and Welsh slate roof; inner doorway has
moulded elliptical-arched surround, studded board door with pointed-arched
panels and oval stone above bearing date 1086; on either side of doorway are two
sashes with glazing bars in flush wood architraves, and to far right a leaded
3-light casement window. Jettied first floor has leaded casement windows of 3,
4 and 3 lights. Similar 2-light windows to gabled attic dormers which have
decorative bargeboards and pendant finials. Cross-wing: 4-light, ovolo-moulded,
stone-mullioned window with leaded lights; jettied first floor has two 8-pane
sashes in reveals; decorative bargeboards and pendant finial to gable; right
return has an 8-pane sash to ground floor. Further bay to left has 1-light
ovolo-moulded stone window, and encases old chimney which has rebuilt, paired,
diagonally-set flues. Left return: old chimney on right has rubblestone base
with brick quoins; various windows. Right return: main range has truncated
external stack and bargeboards as before; to right, castellated brick infill
between main range and the base of an old chimney, of rubblestone with brick
quoins, having tripled flues. Rear: on left, later C16 or C17 arch-braced
timber-framed gabled wing, the right return jettied and with a 6-light wood-
mullioned window. On right, a 2-storey, 2-bay early-mid C19 brick addition
having pebble-dashed first floor, large late C19 canted bay window to ground
floor, two 12-pane sashes to first floor, and hipped roof. Between the 2 wings
is a shorter probably C16 gabled wing with a 4-light ovolo-moulded mullion
window on first floor. Interior: exposed timber frame has large panels, jowled
posts and arched braces. Large-scantling beams with stops of various kinds.
Old panelled doors with old hinges in moulded architraves. Panelling to first
floor rooms. Stone Tudor-arched fireplaces with decorative wooden surrounds,
particularly elaborate in the cross-wing. A number of first floor windows have
old wooden mullions, ovolo-moulded or cavetto-moulded (in rear right wing), also
some old wooden stanchions, saddle bars, leading and glass. 3 old balustersto
steps up to rear left wing (re-sited). Wooden winder stair up to attic which
has lambs-tongue-stopped, chamfered, doorway between left-hand bays and front
wall plate set in approximately 0.3 metres with mortices in soffit from former
wall studding and window mullions, indicating that originally the first floor
wall was. in line with the ground floor wall and not jettied as it is now.
Queen-post roof trusses to rear right wing. Large scantling principal rafter
roof truss and widely-spaced collared rafters over cross-wing.
Listing NGR: SU9684643974
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