Former rectory, 1858 by E B Lamb for Frederick de Grey, younger son of Lord
Walsingham. Red brick, yellow and red sandstone dressings, plaintile roofs.
Irregular plan with asymmetrical facades, the principal facades to south and
east. Entrance facade (east). Gabled wing with sleeply pitched roof sweeping
down to ground floor eaves height. 3 storeys, defined by horizontal bands
breaking short of the gable, which is stepped at storey height; the bands
continue round projecting bay to right of apex; multiple stack at apex, of
separate shafts linked under one heavy moulded cap. Windows of 3, 2, and single
lights, diminishing in size to the upper floor. All have chamfered brick arrises
and stone dressings, some have brick mullions. 3-light mullion and transomed
ground floor window, each light slightly arched, with leaded lights. Similar
2-light first floor window, that to upper storey of 2 mullioned lights.
Scattered single lights, and a tall opening to right of stack, breaking through
the storeys. To left, within the gable profile but under a separate roof, a
porch; outer doorway, with stone four-centre arched head. Left hand return has a
6-light mullion window. Porch has boarded ceiling with carved bosses,
polychromatic tile floor. South facade. Projects beyond the eastern gabled wing
forming a grouped mass of divergent roof lines and stacks. Gabled wing, sweeping
through 2 storeys to right, but a single storey to left. 3 irregular storeys
marked by bands similar to east facade, but the gable is stepped at mid storey
height. Corbelled window bay rises through 2½ storeys from over the flush ground
floor window. The latter glazed with margin lights, the upper 2 storeys have
2-light cross casements similar to east facade. Tall 4-pane window cuts the
first floor band to right. Band beneath continues to right return. Tall stack
of 3 shafts linked by moulded cap, on right side of roof slope, and flanked by 2
light dormer casement. Moulded brick plinth also follows to the return walls.
Interior. 4-centre arched inner porch doorway and garden door. Hall dado
reaching almost to lintel of doors. Open string dog leg stair, turned balusters,
2 per tread, turned newel with chamfered square finials, moulded mahogany rail.
4-centre arched fireplace opening. Doors of 3 x 3 recessed panels. Single
storey service wing attached to right is partly under pyramidal roof. Pevsner N,
Suffolk 1974.
Listing NGR: TM1171541104
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Suffolk, (1961)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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