669-1/3/346 (South side)
28/11/51 Lion House
(Formerly Listed as:
Lion House) GV II Formerly known as: House opposite main entrance to Audley End
House. Early C19. Red brick, hipped slate roof. Rectangular
plan but front centre brought forward in 3 cants. 2 storeys.
Front, N elevation: 5 bays, comprising central 3-cant, 3
window range together with narrow single bay blocks each side,
separately roofed. All windows of `Gothick' 2-centred arched
form with sashes and glazing bars, 4x3 panes plus intersecting
`Y' tracery above. Central yellow brick stack at roof apex.
Rear elevation: rectangular block with similar central ground
and first floor windows, triple sashes with glazing bars, each
1x4,5x4,1x4 panes. Also 2-light ground floor casement window
to E, 4x4 panes. W end elevation: rectangular block, 5 window
range, first floor, all 5 windows narrow lancets, one to N has
original glazing, sash 3x3 panes plus tracery as on front, S
end window blocked, central 3, one leaded panes, one single
pane, one of 3 panes. Ground floor, 2 similar windows to S,
one of leaded panes, one single pane. Central projecting
gabled porch with shaped barge-boards and finials, also inner
single side lights, lancets with fixed panes. Inner door
original, 4-centred arched head, 6 flush bead moulded panels,
upper pair shaped to arch and glazed. E end elevation:
considerably altered in C20, rectangular block with wide plain
recessed inner porch containing 5 C20 doors. To S, C20 single
light metal casement window, to N, blocked original lancet
window. First floor, S end, broad C19 window similar to those
on front elebation, 6x3 panes plus upper tracery. To N, 2
blocked lancet windows similar to one below.
INTERIOR: central room, ground floor, has original marble fire
surround. Stair at rear of W unit has orignal shaped handrail,
turned newel posts and square balusters.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N & Ratcliffe E: Essex:
London: 1965-: 65).
Listing NGR: TL5237337995
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Essex, (1965), 65Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 15 Essex,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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