669-1/1/123 (West side)
01/11/72 No.7 GV II House. c1840 with C20 interior renovation. Yellow gault brick
with scored pointing, slate roof. Rectangular plan. 2 storeys
and cellar. Front E elevation: 2 window range plus central
doorway. Windows segment headed, sashes with glazing bars, 3x4
panes, doorway has semicircular overlight with decorative
glazing bars, C20 6-panelled flush bead moulded door, boot
scrapers each side. To N, passageway to rear with C19 boarded
door, to S, segment headed basement window, now C20 casement,
grille over. Windows now have C20 louvred shutters to each
side. Roof hipped at S end with deep eaves, stacks on S end
wall. Rear, W elevation: 3 window range, segment headed, first
floor, 2 similar sashes with glazing bars, 3x4 panes, one
smaller with C20 casement, 2x4 panes, central doorway with
large arch-headed glazed panel, basement window now has C20
4x2 paned casement. Passageway at N end shared with No.9 (qv)
has original brick floor. S end elevation: plain with 2
stacks. INTERIOR: all now reworked in C20. Cellar, C19 red
brick, S wall has segment headed fireplace.
Listing NGR: TL5394438632
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