723-1/5/245 (North side)
20/02/76 The Bell House
(Formerly Listed as:
The Bell House)
House, now part of a school. C18, early C19. Red brick, roofs
peg-tiled. Rectangular plan with an original projection to S
elevation. Early C19 extensions to E and W ends and C20
addition to rear N elevation.
EXTERIOR: 2 storey and attics. E, front elevation. Simple
parapet and hipped roof, to S. 2 window range with additional
stack and C18 single window range to N partly rebuilt in C20.
All windows C20. Ground floor, S to N, segment headed casement
with glazing bars, 5x4 panes, principal door with semicircular
fan-light, surround rendered, door early C19 with lower flush
panels, now with upper glazing, 3x3 panes. In addition,
segment headed sash window, glazing bars, 3x4 panes.
Projecting C19 front has a full width C19 verandah with tented
roof and 3 ornamental cast-iron uprights. First floor, S-N, 2
segment headed sash windows, horned, with glazing bars, 4x4
panes and ornamental bell between them. Addition, segment
headed casement window, 2x2 panes. S elevation. Original block
of 5 bays with stacks at each end. W bay blank, then 2 bays
break forward with string course and cyma moulded parapet
cornice, both stucco. C19 addition at both ends of one window
range, simple parapet and hipped peg-tiled roofs. All windows
have gauged brick voussoirs in style of sash window with
glazing bars, 3x4 panes (lower sash top-hung to open
outwards). Ground floor, 4 windows in 2 pairs in C18 block.
First floor, 6 windows, as ground floor, plus single window at
each end with stuccoed reveals in C19 additions. C20
rebuilding of 2 E bays of C18 block on first floor - parapet
and stuccoed cornice now absent. W, rear elevation, C19
addition in front of C18 work has lower roof eaves, C20 peg
tiles, hipped at S end. Windows all C20 and irregular and
ground floor N end is C20 rebuild. Ground floor, S-N, 2
casements in form of sash windows,with glazing bars, 3x4
panes. Doorway with semicircular fan-light and casement window
with glazing bars, 2x3 panes, C20. First floor, S-N, 3 small
windows with gauged brick voussoirs, outer 2 blind, central
one with C20 sash window, at N end early C20 casement window,
2x2 panes. N, garden, elevation. Central block with additions
at E and W. That to W has lean-to slope (C20 rebuilt). C18 N
addition projecting at E end with hipped roof. C20
conservatory alongside to W. Ground floor, E-W, C20 casement
window in shape of sash, French window with side lights,
glazing bars, 1x4, 2x4, 1x4 panes, small fixed window, C18/19
door in moulded doorcase, lower flush panels, now upper
glazing with glazing bars, 3x3 panes. Long C20 metal casement
window of 4 lights, C18 door, 2 lower panels and 2 large upper
glass panes. First floor, E-W. C20 casement in shape of sash,
C20 sash window, glazing bars, 3x4 panes, 2 similar sash
windows, C20 sash window. Attic of C18 block - 2 similar flat
roofed dormers with casement windows, 2x3 panes and between
them, simple sky light.
INTERIOR much altered. Central small dogleg stair with shaped
handrail and turned shaping on tops of newel posts. 2 doorways
at ground level with semicircular fan-lights, one glazed, one
Listing NGR: TQ5728095834