723-1/9/194 (South East side)
10/02/94 No.5
Hare Hall II House. Late C16, renovated c1965. Timber-framed, partly
underbuilt with C20 yellow brick, partly plastered with
exposed false framing, partly weatherboarded, roofed with
machine-made and handmade red clay tiles, mixed. 3 bays
aligned approximately N-S, with C20 axial stack between middle
and N bays. C20 single-storey lean-to extension at each end.
2 storeys. All windows are C20 casements except one originally
unglazed window on the upper storey of the rear elevations of
the S bay, which is complete, with 3 diamond mullions, and C20
glazing outside. C20 door at rear, in glazed porch. The
ground-floor walls are of C20 brick. The upper storey of the W
elevation, facing Hanging Hill Lane, is plastered, with
exposed false framing. The upper storey of the rear elevation
is weatherboarded.
INTERIOR: unjowled posts, heavy studding with arched bracing
trenched to the inside. Frame wholly of oak of good quality,
fully jointed and pegged. Most of the ground-floor studding is
missing, except in the cross-wall between the middle and S
bays; external walls rebuilt in brick. The N and middle bays
have chamfered axial and transverse beams with large lamb's
tongue stops, and exposed plain joists of horizontal section.
In the S bay the floor structure is similar, but the soffit of
the axial beam has been removed to increase clearance. On the
upper storey the original studding and bracing is almost
complete. Wallplates chamfered with runout stops. Splint
fitted at an early date to reinforce a scarf in the front
wallplate; type of scarfs uncertain. Original clasped purlin
roof with arched wind-bracing, complete. The use of lamb's
tongue stops in original members indicates that this house was
built after 1565. The survival of one unglazed window, and
evidence of others, and the joists of horizontal section,
indicate that it was built before 1600. The arched bracing
inside the studs, and the form of roof, are both compatible
with this period. As the joists appear to be complete the
original heating is assumed to have been by a rear stack.
(Historic Buildings in Essex 2: McCann J: The Introduction of
the Lamb's Tongue Stop: 1985-).
Listing NGR: TQ6190693553
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Books and journals 'Historic Buildings in Essex' in Historic Buildings in Essex, (1985)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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