723-1/9/217 (East side)
21/10/58 Heatleys
Formerly known as: Old Rectory Ingrave.
House. C16, C17, C19 and 1902. Timber-framed and rendered,
brick similarly rendered, roofs peg tiled. Plan irregular, 2
timber-framed units in line, N-S, C19 wing to E at S end.
Extensive additions of 1902 to N and E sides round
timber-framed blocks. C19 wing re-worked in C20 and, together
with the 1902 work are not of special interest and not a part
of this listing.
W front elevation. Principal 2 storey and attic block, rebuilt
heavy C17 central stack (thin bricks used), second stack on S
end gable. 3 window range with central 2 storeyed hip roofed
porch. Sash windows with glazing bars, 4 outer windows, 4x4
panes, first floor porch window 3x4 panes, with horns. Doorway
simple plain classical form, fanlight with trellis glazing
bars. Door of 6 flush, bead decorated panels. Lower one and a
half storeyed timber-framed block at N end, heavy stack at N
end. Ground floor, 2 combined sash windows in one frame,
glazing bars, each 3x4 panes. Above, hip roofed dormer window
of 3 casement lights, 6x4 panes. Rear, E elevation, old house
considerably masked by C19 and C20 work. Although re-worked,
stair tower in line with stack rises to roof level with slated
roof. Ground floor simple 2-light casement, first floor window
of 4 casements with glazing bars, 8x3 panes, fixed attic
window with glazing bars, 4x4 panes. S end elevation, central
stack, on E side of stack ground and first floor sash windows
with glazing bars, 3x4 panes, attic casement of 2x2 panes. N
end mainly covered by C20 work - principal block has an attic
window of 3 casements with glazing bars, 6x3 panes.
INTERIOR: much rebuilt but outer timber-framing of principal
block visible on first floor with face halved and bladed scarf
joints also typical triangular sectioned clamps for attic
floor joists. Ground floor has one surviving axial joist with
lamb's tongue chamfer stops, linked to stack in N end. Similar
one to S end, replaced by RSJ in C20. Passage-way from central
porch now cut through central stack. Block to N has a single
undecorated axial joist aligned E-W. The principal block is a
symmetrical, 2-celled, 2 storey and attic, lobby entrance
house of the early C17 with contemporary rear stair tower. The
2-storey porch may also date to the same time although much
reworked. The block to the N may be earlier and represent the
cross-wing of an older house, kept at the time of C17
rebuilding to serve as an attached kitchen. The building was
the old Ingrave Rectory and is described in a terrier of 1610
as `a house containing a hall, a parlour, a buttery, 2 lofts
and a study and also a kitchen, a millhouse and a house for
poultry , a barn, a stable and a hay house --- and about 32
acres of glebe' (Newcourt 1710). The house description given
is in accord with the present surviving principal block and
kitchen at the N end.
(Newcourt R: History of the Diocese of London: 1710-).
Listing NGR: TQ6218392867