723-1/9/278 (North West side)
20/02/76 No.51
(Formerly Listed as:
White Cottage) GV II House. Early C19, extended in C20. Timber-framed, plastered,
roofed with slate. Rectangular plan facing SE, with one stack
in right elevation and 2 in left elevation. Early/mid-C19
2-storey lean-to to right, and single-storey lean-to to rear
of it. Early/mid-C19 2-storey wing to rear, connecting with
single-storey range angled to right, and C20 conservatory
beyond. C20 2-storey wing to rear right. C20 external stack to
rear left.
2 storeys. 2 original sashes of 6+6 lights with moulded
architraves on ground floor, and 3 on first floor,
symmetrically arranged. Central C20 glazed door and fanlight
with radial tracery, plaster pilasters and concentric stepped
semicircular arches; one stone step. Plaster band at
first-floor level, and corner pilasters. Hipped roof. The
right lean-to has one similar sash on each floor in the front
elevation, and in the right elevation a blocked doorway with
semicircular pilasters, capitals, frieze with Greek key
design, and dentilled and moulded cornice; bases of pilasters
missing. The left stacks are truncated at eaves level, and a
C20 casement has been inserted between them on the ground
floor. To rear left, on the ground floor, is one mid-C19 sash
with marginal lights. In the left elevation of the rear wing
is one original sash of 8+4 lights, the upper sash supported
when open by 2 hinged arms. The angled wing beyond it is
partly weatherboarded, partly of red brick in Flemish bond,
roofed with slate, part of a former stable range.
INTERIOR: in the entrance-hall is a semi-elliptical arch with
panelled pilasters. In the ground-floor room to right is a
doorway with semi-elliptical arch to the former entrance lobby
at right.
Listing NGR: TQ6026494386
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