TQ 5890,
723-1/17/161 BRENTWOOD,
WARLEY ROAD, Great Warley (West side),
South Lodge to Warley Place 21.10.58 G.V. II (Formerly known as: South Lodge to Warley Place GREAT WARLEY
STREET Great Warley.)
Lodge, now house. Late C17, C19, C20. Timber-framed,
weatherboarded, roof of composition tiles. C19 stack in C17
style, shaft diagonal. One storey and attic. Front, E
elevation, 3 window range, all windows with lattice framed
casements. N-S, 2-light window, 3-cant oriel window on shaped
brackets, door, boarded with decorative strap hinges, 2-light
window. Rear elevation has almost full length, C20 brick, flat
roofed addition - one original lattice casement window
exposed. C20 addition has S end weatherboarded with door with
lower fielded panel and upper glazing with glazing bars, 4x3
panes. W elevation rendered and colour-washed with one 2-light
casement window with glazing bars, 4x3 panes and two 2-light
casement windows. N end elevation plain.
INTERIOR: has an exposed jowled post and a trapped side purlin
roof with oak rafters with simple wind braces. The house has
been said to probably have been built under the direction of
Humphry Repton, when laying out the landscaped park for
Warley Place (now demolished), in 1806. However, an earlier
house was on the site and was to be re-worked in the C19.
South Lodge and other buildings around the green form a group.
Listing NGR: TQ5832990741
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