Fryerning BACK LANE(South east side)Spilfeathers(Formerly Listed as:BRENTWOOD FRYERNING Spilfeathers)
House.Late medieval,much altered and extended in early C20,Timber-framed,plastered,roofed with machine-made red tiles.Two-bay hall range facing north west,with internal stack front of axis;two bay cross-wing to left,C16 or earlier originally jettied to the front,now underbuilt,and in stack at the junction.Early C20 cross-wing to right of with internal stack at right,and catslide extension to rear.Early C20 extension to rear of hall,with two inter stacks.C20 two storey extension with flat roof to rear and C20 single-storey extension with flat roof to rear cross-wing.C20 single-storey extension with hipped roof front of left cross-wing.Two storeys with attics.All windows are C20 casements,including one gabled dormner in the hall range and another to left of the left cross-wing half-glazed door at front of C20 large glazed porch with roof.INTERIOR:almost entirely plastered, with little visible evidence of the timber frame.The left bay of the hall chamfered axial beam with lamb's tongue stops,and plain joists of vertical section,being an inserted C1600.The ground-floor studding of the rear wall has removed,the girt boxed or replaced.A large wood-burning hearth facing to left is blocked and plastered over.The original wallplates are exposed approximately 0.40m at first-floor level,and the walls have been raised at a later date.False framing is exposed in the attic,possibly some genuine,hammered to a rough finish.Early cast-iron grate with hot water tank and tap to right,first-floor hearth. In the left cross-wing one severed post is visible beside the hearth,which has a C20 hearth built out in front of it.HISTORICAL NOTE:this holding is recorded under the sai in the Petre archives in 1557 and 1591,then in the po!of Thomas Silvester.At his death in 1596 it was described having a barn,stable,orchard and garden,yard and three containing twelve acres.The Walker map of 1601 illustrate a low hall with central door and stack and one window to each side,with a two-storey cross-wing to the right,with tiled roofs.This is a left-right reversal of the house as indicated by the physical evidence.As Adkins(qv)immediately opposite was similarly reversed left to right,but otherwise depicted with the same elements,it seems possible that the Walkers illustrated the houses correctly but reversed their positions on the map.(Essex Record Office: D.DP M.170: 8).
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