723-1/1/442 (East side)
27/08/52 Kelvedon Grange and Old Kelvedon
(Formerly Listed as:
ONGAR ROAD, Kelvedon Hatch
Kelvedon Grange)
Formerly known as: The Grange.
2 houses adjoining. Early C17, C18 and late C19. Timber-framed
but framing now showing is all imitation, roofs peg-tiled. N-S
range with various additions to the rear. Front now comprising
(1) a house at the N end, 2 storeys and attics with 2
symmetrical facade gables and (2) house to S with a higher
eaves level, 2 storeys. Facade has a gable at the S end. An
early C17 stack with 6 diagonally set shafts bridges the 2
houses. One C19 stack at N end and one behind roof apex
towards S.
N house, ground floor, N-S, C20 boarded door in porch with
simple lean-to hood and timber and brick sides, glazed with
small leaded panes. Late C19 3-light casement window, leaded
lights, 3-light casement, slightly projecting, each light with
glazing bars, 2x3 panes. First floor windows, sash with
glazing bars, 4x4 panes, sash with glazing bars, 2x4 panes, 2
sashes with glazing bars, 3x4 panes. Attic, 2 casements with
leaded lights. S house - ground floor, 2 sashes with glazing
bars, 3x4 panes, C19 timber and brick porch, gabled hood,
front panels with pargeted panels and coloured leaded lights,
outer door framed with fielded panels. Inner door 2 lower
fielded panels, upper glazing, 3x3 panes, 2 sash windows,
glazing bars, 3x4 panes, C19 4-light casement window and
slight bay, leaded lights, coloured glass. First floor, 7 sash
windows, glazing bars, 3x4 panes. All the windows except one
on the front elevation of both houses are set within C18
window frames with moulded architraves. The sashes are also
apparently of this date. Only the most southerly ground-floor
window has a later frame. C19 2-storey bay windows facing S,
casement bay windows with leaded lights and coloured glass,
pargeted panels in middle register. Rear elevation has twin
gabled section to S. Central jettied wing and N adjunct
aligned N-S with separate gabled roof - mixed fenestration and
INTERIOR: evidence of early work considerably masked but
original house appears to have been early C17, 3-celled, and
probably 2 storeys and attic form. The N terminal roof truss
lies between the 2 facade gables of the N house. A roof
partition occurs in the S house immediately above the S side
of the front porch, probably denoting the length of the
original central rooms. The S end of the original house was
probably where the S facade gable begins. The N house ground
floor has original ceiling joists in its S room, adjacent to
the C17 stack. Bridging joist and flat laid common joists with
lamb's tongue chamfer stops. The binding joist similarly
decorated and set back well away from the fireplace. Slighter
imitation joists fill in the gap between the two. A smoke bay
or deep timber chimney hood may originally have occupied the
HISTORICAL NOTE: a terrier of 1610 records the Rectory House
of 2 storeys newly built. This could date the brick stack
inserted into a somewhat earlier smoke void and now occupying
a smaller space. The VCH (1956) records early C18 S end of
central block rebuilt and roof level raised (present S house
form). The windows of the W front are of this period and show
the appearance of the C18 house. Further work in C19
particularly at the end, when Rev DW Peregrine spent »4000 on
the house and was responsible for the new wing at the S end
and the ornamental timbering, apparently a tidy version of the
earlier primary braced walling beneath. The whole corpus of
sumptuous refitting and addition typical of c1900 is
apparently attributable to Peregrine. The S house was
obviously the principal residence, the N house the servants'
quarters. In 1931 the building ceased to be a rectory and was
bought by Bertram Jones of Kelvedon Hall.
Listing NGR: TL5662400033