SU 08 NE PURTON CHURCH END 8/296 Group of 16 Plummer and Large
monuments 12m south-west of south
porch, Church of St. Mary GV II
Group of 16 chest tombs, mostly sandstone. C18 and early C19. Set
in 3 rows.
East row, from north to south:
(a) Limestone. Raised casket top, fluted pilasters
and moulded base. Inscription in oval panel
with reeded fascia over and paterae. To
(b) Low moulded table, part buried. To RICHARD
PLUMMER, died 1758, and wife.
(c) Similar to last, to RICHARD PLUMMER, date buried,
and his wife.
(d) Moulded table and base. Recessed corner balusters.
Inscription in moulded panel. To GEORGE SUTTON,
died 1819.
Middle row, from north:
(e) Decorated and hipped table, recessed corner
balusters. Inscription in moulded panel, to
EDWARD PLUMMER, died 1844, and wife SARAH.
(f) Moulded table and base. Recessed corner balusters.
Decoration in corners, to EDWARD DEANE, died 1776.
(g) Limestone. Oval chest tomb. Moulded table and
base. Raised panels, shields at ends, branches
below. To EDWARD PLUMMER, date not legible.
(h) Limestone. Moulded table and base. Recessed
corner balusters. To THOMAS PLUMMER, died 1797.
(i) Moulded table and base. Recessed corner balusters.
Inscription in oval panel, to WILLIAM PLUMMER,
died 1866.
(j) Similar, but hipped table. To RICHARD PLUMMER,
died 1824.
(k) Similar but flat table. To THOMAS PLUMMER,
died 1838.
West row, from north:
(l) Moulded table and base. Recessed corner balusters.
To WILLIAM LARGE, died 1823.
(m) Similar, to WILLIAM and RACHEL LARGE, died 1807
and 1815.
(n) Similar but table inscribed. To ROBERT and
ELIZABETH LARGE, died 1834 and 1842.
(o) Hipped and decorated table. Moulded base.
Recessed fluted corner balusters. To WILLIAM
LARGE, died 1850, and MARY his wife, died 1838.
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